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4 years ago I beat a homeless guy until he was unconscious with his shoe untilI found a hammer then I broke his hand. . I drug him under a bus stop because it was winter and I felt bad this was north side PGH. This was the third time this man said he was gunna kill me if I dint give him everything I had he was waving a bottle at me and I snapped. He was crying and peeing before he blacked out something I’m sure he did a lot of. Personally I hope he fucking froze to death. I left that city. but I strong up his shoes just like the neighborhood taught me to and they hang a block up in the alley from Liverpool street. fuck you buddy wherever you are . he wont do that again.
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Posted by Memory 25th December 2011
How could s/he? So what should someone do when they’re getting death threats from homeless drunkards who actually might, in a fit of some kind, attempt to make their threats come true? Pat ‘em on the back and sing praises?Posted by AloverNotAFIGHTER 3rd February 2012
I hope you get put in jail dude.There is a thing called running away.Post a confession or rant now! It’s completely anonymous.
Posted by WAT 18th December 2011
Your a Cruel sick Human Being! How could You!I just hope your a attention seeking troll!