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I hate my height honestly


Posted 16th August 2017 2227

I’m a guy around 5′3 and I honestly hate being short. Being short is not bad, sure there can be awk pictures or just the thought of people always looking down on you, but that’s where your personality comes in. I was the class clown in almost every class :). People would like me just cuz of my easying going way and my sence of humor of course. As well, being funny made me more noticable in school, some teachers even had good fun relationships with me. I love myself, I love that I can make almost anyone I meet smile, entertained, and just happy to just have a conversation with me. So what is the problem? I mean I’m short but I love to make people laugh and most people love my sence of humor. Of course there are some people that challenge me with their personality but I see that as fun game to play rather than just to avoid them. It’s just, being short is like the biggest killer when it comes to the dating world. Majority of girls either want a guy taller than them, a certain height, or atleast the same height. I know guys taller than me but not ”average tall” and say height doesn’t matter but what they do not get is that my height is literally like the averge of what a girls height could be. Just finding a girl shorter than me is one thing. Finding another girl more shorter than me is the hardest thing. Not just that, even if they are shorter than me, who knows that I’ll impress them, I’ll attract them, and if I’m noticable to them. If anything, I may just be that friend they may like talking to or someone they consider in the friendzone. I can’t tell you how many girls I talked too where if I been taller, I be dating them right now, be in relationship with them, or have already been in one with them. Literally, I just get so mad that if I’m gonna be short, please don’t make me funny, please don’t make me have attractive qualities. I wouldn’t say I’m the hottest guy but I always saw a few people stare at me every year in hs. I was a flirter as well, some girls I flirt with in text and in person and you know it was the classic fun hs type of flirting way but hey I flirting with them and even texted with them. It was great but obvs because of height it didn’t go anywhere. I can be the most confident guy when it comes to trying to make a girl like me or notice me but if they are taller I just give up. I mean, of course I talk to them and treat them as anyone I meet for the first time or friend but I just wouldn’t make a move. I admit, I have flirted with girls taller than me. The reason I flirt with them is just cuz I know I wouldn’t go far with them at all, I mine as spell spice up the way we talk. I gave up with the whole reality scene becuz whenever I saw a shorter person and got hope, I either didn’t advance because they probably were either not attracted to me, didn’t like me, want a tall guy, and maybe I just wasn’t attracted to them. Due to all these things, I just tried many dating apps like tinder. It’s pretty fun because of all the cool people you can meet. I talked to so many attractive girls online. I make them laugh, I flirt with them, bond with them, and some I even facetimed. This is why I was cocky earlier when describing myself^. But what happens to me way more is lets say its been a week or a few weeks or maybe even a month. Me and girl already established cute nicknames, facetime on a daily basis, text eachother cute things, and just show how much we like eachother. Of course, eventually one wants to hang out in person. That’s fine, but as we all know people online may not appear the same in person. I can’t tell you whats worse, seeing girls everyday that I’ll never have a chance it or having the best convo with a girl online and then you find out she is the taller one. At this point, I either say I’m shorter but still lie about how short I am or if it’s someone I really like, I say I’m taller. And now here is where I accept the fact where know matter how I talk to girls, how I impress them, how I be so confident with them, how I flirt, none of it will matter because of height. You can give me a list of a few girls social media and I bet I hit it off or be interested with one of them but then if I see she is taller I just stop or lie about my height. Obvs if i lie then I’ll never want to hangout with them. Just seeing the awk or surpriced expression that this awesome guy they been facetiming, laughing from, and just being attracted too is the shorter one is the worst feeling. I hate my height and I hate guys that are taller than me that can’t talk to girls the way I do. WHAT I GIVE TO BE IN THEIR POSITION. They just have all that momentmum with their height and now do the easy thing, talk to the girl and learn about her. This is all I wanted to say. If you honestly read all of this then thank you :). Sorry for the grammar.

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