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I hate everything about myself. I hate how I look, I hate where I am at in life. I am a jealous hypocrite. I lie all the time to everybody, I steal I deal drugs. I am frustrated sexually and emotionally, I masturbate to all these women I can’t have on Facebook, Because I can’t fuck them for real. I fantasize about vengeance and crime.
I really love to destroy people’s lives, because mine sucks. I am a con artist. If I can steal from you and get away with it I will. I think I am about to snap. I WILL hurt somebody soon I know it
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Posted by human 19th January 2016
Try one day only only one day try to make good things, but honestly moral good things to everybody, childs, girls, seniors, old persons. If this not working to you and you fell bad, go for the big, don’t be a chicken, assault a bank or an entire mall, steal all watches, gold, and jewelry you don’t need to sell drugs or kill people to express your frustration.