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My father’s significant other likes to do things like throw out your stuff without telling you. I hate her guts. She has this old cat that she always talks to in a really high-pitched voice - like she’s talking to a baby. She loves that cat like it was her child. Now I want the cat to die. Not a bad death though. I want to put her outside one day, and have her die peacefully - then have a pack of coyotes come around a rip apart her lifeless body, spewing hair and body parts all over the back yard, then tell that $%#^@ that the cat was still alive when they got her and she was howling the whole time while they ate her. I hate her so much.
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Posted by Anonymous 20th December 2008
The poor cat is innocent!Posted by Anonymous 22nd December 2008
Don’t kill the cat. Tell your dad you think your stepmom is a bitch. I think mine is, too.Posted by Anonomous 16th January 2009
That’s ok. She probably wants to throw you to the coyotes as well.Posted by Daddy 26th January 2009
What you need to do is kill that cat, you need to video record it and anonymously send her the youtube link. At the end of the video make sure you add a messag “This is what happens when you mess with other peoples stuff”. If she doesnt get the message, you keep finding something she likes and destroy it and makes sure that she knows it.Posted by Fairyshit 28th February 2009
You sound like a little cunt, i think you want stringing up…spoilt, leave the cat alone..Posted by Anonymous 28th February 2009
leave the cat alone you fucking cuntPosted by Anonymous 14th January 2017
I know the feeling. i almost want to rip all of her clothes. You know, my step mother doesn’t even act like i exist. She pass me by like i was air. The first time we met she didn’t even introduce herself. Now, she is not the only step mother i have. The first one is much nicer and so sweet i can never hate her. Though this one, i hate her the moment i saw her. She’s a real bitch. I hope she get HIV cuz she can’t close her legs whenever she sees money.Post a confession or rant now! It’s completely anonymous.
Posted by Anonymous 19th December 2008
dont take your rage out on an innocent animal…just plant a car bomb on her hood instead.