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What did I do to deserve a mom who treats my sisters and I like shit? What did I do to have a father that bailed once he found out my mom was pregnant and then came back when I was 8 - oh and the asshole fucking abused me-
What the hell did I do to have a messed up family that hate one another and are always putting me in the middle of things I don’t want to be in. By this point I’m so done with both of my parents. My mother has pushed me beyond my breaking point, she doesn’t try to establish a relationship with me and I do. Well you know what! IM DONE TRYING! D-O-N-E! I am literally about to go emancipate myself! I’m done with her shit and my dads shit. They both don’t deserve the title “Parents”.
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Posted by Anonymous 7th August 2015
Girl or boy, I think you should sit down and confront them about this. Maybe if you make them guilty enough they will stop their actions and give you and your sister[s] love. I don’t really know how to handle this. I’ve never had problems with my parents like that. I really hope it gets better soon.