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I just turned 18 and am in the process of leaving home. Home being a crackerbox of an apartment. I’ve been employed at he same place for nearly one and a half years and it isn’t until the end if this month that I’ll actually be getting the money they pay me. You see, due to no fault of my own my parents haven’t worked in years. Mom’s disabled. Dad’s just an asshole nobobdy likes so nobody hires. I’ve calculated that they’ve gotten $3-4k from my time working. Money used to put the internet cable and phone back on. Money used for rent. Money rarely spent on or by the person that earned it. What pisses me off the most isn’t that they took my money, it’s what that action led to. I’ve had to do laundry at friend’s houses because we have no quarters. I’m docked points in gym for not wearing shorts because I have none anymore and can’t afford more. I have very little money to save for basic college expenses like a laptop or even bedsheets. My friends don’t bother inviting me out wth them anymore when it involves money (which it often does-bruches and going to the mall etc). They’re sick of having to drive me to and from work constantly. I’ve developed a complex of not asking for help or money now because I’ve done it for so long that the guilt eats away at me. I’m done being angry with them for this. I just want my stability back.
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