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I just told a seven year old kid that Santa isn’t real. I thought it would be funny, but I feel really bad about it now.
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Posted by Anonymous 15th December 2008
So what, you should be figuring out that shit by 7 anyway.Posted by Santa Claus 16th December 2008
You obnoxious little shit!Posted by Anonymous 20th December 2008
Don’t feel bad. 7 is a great age to know the truth. I was told Santa isn’t real by the age of 6, so effing what?!Posted by Anonymous 17th January 2009
when i came to america as a kid from another country and heard about santa, i laughed my ass offPosted by Daddy 26th January 2009
You didnt do anything wrong. The kid is going to have to learn what the real world is anyway. Kids cant grow up and always win, because when they get older and start losing they dont know how to accept it. You should be commended. You probably saved this kid tons of therapy.Post a confession or rant now! It’s completely anonymous.
Posted by Anonymous 15th December 2008
you totally are a horrible person and you should be ashamed of yourself.