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I crapped my pants once. Blamed the smell on a nerd. I’m such a fuckin bitch.
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Posted by Smooth Move Ex-Lax 27th November 2008
Well, that’s not very nice. The crap didn’t slide down your leg or anything like that?Posted by ooze 27th November 2008
now this is just stupid!Posted by God 27th November 2008
HAHAHAHAHAHAH go back to preschool and get some potty training and social valuesPosted by Anonymous 28th November 2008
Totally forgivable. Sometimes shit happens. Literally. As long as you don’t make a habit of it…Posted by Daddy 26th January 2009
You did the right thing, thats what nerds are for. Next time you see that nerd and a bunch of your friends are around, make sure to bully him and remind everyone that he shit his pants. Thats how you keep your rep.Posted by Sunshine 3rd January 2010
That was the only thing to do without looking like an ass. Shit happens, y’know? You should (have?), like, send a gift to the nerd or somethin’. ‘Cause nerds make the world go ’round.Posted by Anonymous 8th February 2010
Yeah, you’re a bitch. Go die. You sound like the kind of cunt who needs taking down a few pegs. I hope someone remembers this incident and figures out it was you, thus ruining your reputation and social life, and earning you a vicious beating from your cunt friends.Post a confession or rant now! It’s completely anonymous.
Posted by Anonymous 27th November 2008
a dick move, but it was a tough call to make. you can’t very well say “oh, I crapped my pants.” but blaming someone else is not cool. I don’t know what I would have done. I might have done the same. I neither forgive or condemn.