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I have a disease that is getting progressively worse. Its a “hidden diease”, something people wont see when they look at me. all the doctors that i’ve seen say I will never be able to run or do anything I used to love doing ever again. Eventually I wont even be able to walk….. (That makes more than half the stuff on my bucketlist impossible.) Ive been trying soo hard to pretend like i am fine and nothing is wrong with me, but its so hard when people envite me to play active games that I physically can’t do anymore(but they think I say no because i”m just lazy). My parents tell me to be positive, but its hard when you have to give up everything you love doing and pretend like you’re fine. They don’t know that i cry my self to sleep most nights because I can never do the stuff I love anymore. They always tell me that there are other people who have it worse, so I shouldnt be angery or sad.. But they dont understand that saying I cant be angery because others have it worse is like saying people cant be happy because others have it better. I dont know what to do anymore. Im giving up on the idea of being normal. Im giving up on life.
Got something to say? Post Now! It’s totally anonymous… rant or confess about anything!
Posted by Anonymous 23rd June 2015
You are under no obligation to “be positive” nor do you owe anyone your time. Tell people about your medical condition when you turn down invites, and if they call you lazy then try to remember that they don’t deserve an opinion on your health. Google ’spoon theory’ if you need help explaining your condition without going into the medical specifics.Posted by Anonymous 10th July 2015
I know how you feel.. I have RA and no one gets why i can never movePosted by Another Abnormal Human 17th July 2015
I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but let me just say this… You are allowed to be sad. You are allowed to tell people how you feel, & why you can’t join them for games etc… And most importantly, if anyone judges you for it, your allowed to kick them out of your life. There’s a great quote “Those who mind, don’t matter, & those who matter, don’t mind”. YOU ARE WONDERFUL, anyone who says otherwise you say goodbye too.Post a confession or rant now! It’s completely anonymous.
Posted by Anonymous 18th February 2015
Darling, maybe it’s time to tell people how you feel instead of pretending to be fine. It might help people understand why you’re not able to do things.