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I’m so sick of these little bastards. “Emos” used to act depressed, wear Green Day shirts, and talk about how everything sucks. South Park did a good job making fun of that. They typically kept to themselves, but oh how things have changed.
Current “emos” are loud, annoying, attention seeking, trashy, dumbasses that loiter all day at malls. They’ll stand outside of Hot Topic all day, or be in the food court taking up space. They walk around aimlessly, and never buy anything.
This wouldn’t be so bad if they weren’t so fucking disruptive. You’ll see them loudly squalking to one another, or running around like a fucking idiot. The most common words they use are “fag” “bitch” “kunt” and other vulgarities. They’ll use these words to where everyone can hear them, bothering everyone that isn’t them. They’ll sometimes be outside smoking, and blowing it everywhere.
They all look the same. A dark haired dipshit guy with shitty looking jeans, and a $20 band shirt from Hot Topic. Then girls with to much makeup on, shitty pants, and a overpriced Adventure Time shirt. They all act like they’re poor, but are usually running around with their $100 allowance from Mommy and Daddy.
They aren’t only at malls, they’ll be anywhere where they think they can get attention at. They want people to look at them and think they’re “badass” I can’t stand these little shits.
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