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Oh my fucking god. I swear the next time you say the word ‘flea’ I’m gonna roundhouse your nose into your brain. I’m obviously doing all that I can to get rid of my dogs fleas and they’re almost gone. One thing that always confuses me is how you say you have all these “flea bites” all over you and you’re tired of finding fleas on you. How is it that you have flea bites and you find fleas but my dog sleeps with me, lives in my rooms, rolls around in my laundry, and I haven’t found a flea or flea bite on me in weeks. Maybe you should question your nasty ass lying boyfriend who you’re fucking head over heels for even though he tried to leave you and you wouldn’t let him about his little dog. You admitted that his dog had fleas. Have you stopped to think for two seconds that maybe the fleas that are in your room are from his dog since my dog kind of fucking avoids you like the plague?! Maybe you’re finding bug bites on you because your room and living area is a fucking mess! Don’t even insinuate to me that “we” need to clean the apartment. Bitch look around. Is any of that shit mine? Is that 3 week old poptart that has been sitting out and open on our coffee table mine? I am not the fucking help. Just because you’re parents were rich enough to hire a maid doesn’t mean that you gave up the rights to cleaning up after yourself for your entire life. Pick up your shit because I sure as hell won’t do it for you. And speaking of not doing things for you I also won’t let you look over my study guide for our huge final coming up in a day. I worked my ass off in this study guide and you did literally nothing except bug me about finishing it for the past week so you could study it and put no effort into passing this final. My grade is already getting knocked down because my car broke down and I couldn’t go to our final concert but it’s fine because you got one of your sisters to buy you a ticket when you could have easily made it back in time for the concert. Have fun failing the final. And btdubbs if you ever bring up me not having the rent in even before the actual deadline in front of random sorority sister that you bring into our apartment unannounced, I’ll burn all of your stuff that you’ve left on the floor for the past three month. Oh and while you’re at it learn how to wash yourself and brush your teeth properly. You smell like shit and that’s why I make a grossed out face every time you try to tell me a secret.
Your Roommate.
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Posted by The Truth 24th December 2012
You must get a life.