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GODGODGODGODGOD! I SERIOUSLY wish my mom would shut the hell up. She complains about everything! Literally EVERYTHING for HOURS on end. And it’s always about HER. “Oh, this hurts, that hurts, I’m fed up with this, fed up with that, someone at work tried to get me in trouble so she just HAS to be jealous of me.” SHUT THE FUCK UP. THE MOTHERFUCKING WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU! Doesn’t fucking help that her husband is shoved up her ass 24/7 acting like her fucking butler and obeying her every command. She hasn’t done SHIT since she married this guy. I mean, yeah, she works, but she doesn’t do SHIT there either. She “takes care” of an elderly woman BUT all she does all day over there is sit and TALK TO HER. I KNOW. I’VE BEEN OVER THERE WHILE SHE’D WORKING. I mean, damn, she shouldn’t be exhausted by just doing that, And her husband only does shit for her because he KNOWS she’ll fucking blow up if he doesn’t. I’d leave her ass if I were him, oh, but WAIT, if he leaves, I GET BLAMED. IT’LL BE MY FAULT. ME ME ME IT’S ALWAYS FUCKING ME. She can’t take fault for her own actions and she thinks- yes, she’s even admitted this- that everything HAS to be her way or NO WAY. She thinks that any money anyone in this house earns is HERS. She thinks anything that isn’t hers SHE CAN TAKE. I mean COME ON. She tells me to leave all the time, too. I realize I’m 18 and can move out, but WOMAN, I HAVE NO MONIES. I BUY YOU SHIT. I JUST LOST MY FUCKING JOB BECAUSE WE MOVED, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!?!?! Gah. that is all. I feel better.
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