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I’ve been with my husband for a couple of years now. I was so happy at the beginning of our relationship, and have never had anything to complain about. He makes me feel amazing, will do anything I ask, and he’s so loyal. But within the past year everything is feeling quite opposite from the fairy tail I remember. He started hanging out with his friends more, and I didn’t see anything wrong with it until the other night when we were on a DATE and he ditched me for his friends to go watch a movie. I fell asleep at some point, and he hadn’t come home till about 1 A.M. He seems to find nothing attractive about me anymore, and if he does, he most definitely doesn’t show it. I try to start “play time” and I’m shot down, or given lousy sex. And I mean lousy like hes not even enjoying himself anymore. As of recently he even gets irritated when I have a problem, or issue. And when I try to tell him he ignores me or gets a “Whatever you bitch about everything” attitude. I feel like a piece of used trashed, and I want something to make me feel in control of this situation again. I try talking to him, and he never gets what I mean, no matter how exact I am. However, we have two kids, Damon and Allistor. I cannot divorce him and I’m at a loss of what to do. I still love him I’m just not getting what I want n this relationship. Any advice?
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