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I saw a meme on Facebook today. The meme was of a baby wearing a shirt that looked like real tattoos sleeves. You could totally tell they were NOT real tattoos.
I see all of these comments saying, “It’s a baby…how could you do this to a child?” and “Even if it is a shirt, it is wrong to put this on a baby, OMG I feel SOOO bad for the baby!”
Really you fuck faces? It’s a FUCKING SHIRT. What makes it any different than a baby that is wearing a shirt with hearts or a sports logo? Nothing. It’s just fucking idiots who are against tattoos.
You don’t like tattoos? That’s fine. Don’t get one. If you don’t like a tattoo someone else has, that’s fine. Don’t look at it. But it is NONE of your business if anyone else has a tattoo. It is also none of your fucking lame ass business if someone who likes tattoos wants to get their baby a shirt that has tattoos on it.
I know this is just a meme. I guess it pisses me off because it makes me realize how many fucking idiots there are in this world. These are the prudish idiots who are taking away all of our freedoms. Just because they don’t like something, they think no one should be able to do it.
I hope each and every one of those fucking prudish lice infested cunts/dicks out there slip and fall on a cactus and it gets jammed so far up their asses it comes out of their mouths.
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