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My fucking roommate…INCONSIDERATE, NON-DOMESTIC, SO INCREDIBLY FUCKING DIFFICULT TO LIVE WITH. Always getting in the way, doesn’t clean ANYTHING EVER, no respect for my or my other roommate’s lives. Talks and laughs loudly RIGHT outside my bedroom door early in the morning when she knows I’m still sleeping (or trying to…).
Doesn’t know how to stack a fucking dishwasher or rinse her dishes before putting them in there. Our trash can and recycling bin are DISGUSTING because she doesn’t rinse recycling before tossing it in and throws food and other things in the trash can when the bag hasn’t been replaced yet. PARENTS MOTHERFUCKER, DO YOU HAVE THEM? Who raised you? How are you so incapable of the most basic skills??? Spills coffee grounds everywhere, and I mean fucking EVERYWHERE. In the coffee machine, around the coffee machine, all over the counter, in the silverware drawer?! How does that even happen?? And then has the nerve to just leave them there without cleaning them up.
USES ALL OF MY SHIT AND EATS MY FOOD…wouldn’t be a problem, we live together, sure we can share some things, but she NEVER asks and just expects me not to notice that half my shit is gone!!! Ate two whole boxes of my pasta (fucking pig) and then blamed it on her boyfriend even though I KNEW I had bought the stuff after he had visited. Speaking of which, she is CONSTANTLY eating. Stuffing her fucking face, all the time. One time I was in the apartment, studying, cleaning my room, the usual…she was on the futon for FOUR HOURS and was just continuously making food and eating it. As soon as she’d finish one thing, she’d get up and make something else. No wonder you have cankles, bitch!
Feels the need to talk during EVERY tv show and movie about totally random things, feels the need to tell me lame jokes or all about her day when a) I don’t give a flying fuck, and b) I’m CLEARLY in the middle of studying/Skyping someone/watching a really intense tv show (e.g. Criminal Minds)/doing something else that requires my focus. SHUT THE FUCK UPPPP
Sings to herself constantly, and poorly, and LOUDLY. Five minutes ago she was laughing obnoxiously to full-volume Ben Folds videos on her computer and singing along, even though I was in the same room trying to read a fucking novel in a foreign language (and I had been in that room way before she plopped herself down), AND while our other roommate, exhausted from a terrible day, was trying to sleep! Then immediately after I had finally had enough and got up and left, I heard the music shut off, and she went into her room to go to bed. THANKS BITCH for waiting until RIGHT AFTER I moved all of my study shit from one room to another before you stopped your horrible serenade. I repeat, SHUT THE FUCK UPPP
I have so much more to rant about her but I just can’t type anymore, too fucking exhausted. Just wish she would move the fuck out
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Posted by Tigerlily 3rd June 2016
So. Much. Yes. I feel you on this! I live with someone who eats all my food, even things that were gifts. Like she doesn’t even think about anyone else before devouring everything. Ok, sure, I bought it all just for you. I didn’t want some or anything. And seriously, I found effin’ Halloween candy melted and stuck in the bottom of our trashcan, like under the bag. What the actual hell? It’s not that effin’ hard to clean your shit up. I get an eye twitch every time I come home and there is dirty silverware on the counter. (Maybe it’s just my OCD lol)