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I know you bought a big ass tv for the living room and I know it’s your xbox, but for fucksake playing magic the gathering in the living room all fucking day long like you own the place is not fucking cool. If it was my xbox and my tv, I would try to treat it more democratically and not feel entitled to use if for whatever I wanted to whenever I wanted to. You act like a dick when you never share. It’s totally inconsiderate. I can only imagine what spineless cretons your parents were in raising you to be such a selfish, inconsiderate person. You think that you’re cool because you got a settlement or something so you have some money, but hey, you did nothing to earn any of that. Playing your fucking screamo music is so fucking annoying it makes me want to bash your head against the wall. When I’ve tried to share in the past it’s like I’m some sort of asshole for offering. It’s generally considered nice to offer what you have to others, its called sharing, but obviously you’ve never learned how to do that. Anytime I’ve tried to share something, you act like it’s beneath you to accept it. I hope one day you realize how much of a fucking prick you are and change, but I don’t see that happening. I can tell you know how you should act, but for whatever reason you think it’s weak or that you end up owing somebody something, but you just don’t get it. People need to help each other out and make each other feel valuable, otherwise you just drag yourself and those around you down. I’m sick of you dragging me down and there’s no way for me to change it right now so I posted this…. FUCK YOU
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