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What is up with all the teenage girls cutting for fucking attention, it’s not fucking funny and a bad way of seeking attention. If you haven’t noticed but there are actual people who had a god damn reason to and when they want to ask for help, they can’t because of your fucking asses. Because then they will get labeled an attention seeking when really they need the help and they need to get better and they are on the urge of suicide. They can’t ask anyone for help because you stupid teenagers wanting attetnion on making it harder for the people who need help to speak up. It takes a lot of courage to speak up and it is very hard, but they just make it harder. OOHH and the cutting yourself because your two day old relationship ended, BULLSHIT. That isn’t a reason or at least a good enough one to take a fucking blade to your wrist. If you haven’t notived there are a lot of guys and girls who self-harm because they have no other way out and they can’t ask for help because of the attention seekers who do it. Taking a blade to your wrist and slicing yourself up isn’t helping anything. It just numbs yourself for a few seconds to maybe a minute. It numbs the pain going on in your head and all that matters in the blade and blood. It’s not healthy and no one should be doing it, even if your life is fucking horrible. But some people need it and to them it’s a release. I understand that. But It pisses me off that 10,11,12,13,14,15 year olds are cutting for attention. It’s very hard to ask for help and I know, but when you have 20,30 kids cutting for attention and only like 5 who cut for a really good god damn reason it’s harder.. Because you don’t want to speak up and get called an attetnion seeker everyday when really you’re not. But everyone takes the attention seekers side adn say that they are going through shit and the people that really matter they say ” Bullshit, you just want attention.” People are outcasts and lonely for a reason. They don’t choose that.
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Posted by Get it together kid 19th May 2015
I’m just saying there are so many types of mental illnesses out there besides depression that would cause a person to self harm. The main one I can think of off the top of my head being borderline personaltity disorder. Their whole deal is they have a super low self esteem and feel an EXTREME sensitivity to being abandoned and can self harm to convince someone not to leave them. Therefore your whole “people don’t really cut when their boyfriend breaks up with them,” is false. Plus Yes some people cut for attention but instead of condemning them understand what the fuck would possess a person to go to such lengths to be noticed?? People like that need help and I’d think someone struggling with a mental illness would be a little more understanding of stuff like this!!!