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Okay. I have a brother. And let me tell you, he is the most immature, disrespectful, rude, and awful person. To other people he seems funny and nice and normal. Not if you live with him. We’ve never gotten along. He was going through some things and he’s depressed and pretty sure he has more phychological issues. I was very argumentative and would fight with him all the time and now refuses to let that go. So thus he was a complete jerk to me. And he even started it! When I was ten he called me a slut for literally bending over, and called me a pig and a freak for getting upset about it. Called me a “fucking bitch” for stepping on his shoes, told me to kill myself several times, told me I was fat when I’m 120 pounds and actually very skinny, said he wished I was a miscarriage, told me he wants to crash the car when I’m in it just so I would die, called me an animal and told me I’m not human, tore up and threw away my baby pictures, deliberately says small things under his breath that he knows will set me off and then blames it on me, has ruined more than one family vacations by basically being a horrible person, and honest to god, insults me every day. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I’ve argued back, I’ve ignored him, I’ve been nice, I’ve done everything but he is apparently incapable of acting mature and fucking stopping the horrible shit he does. He just cannot stop. He can’t ever act mature and I haven’t seen him be genuinely nice in years. I’m relieved when he’s out and not at home because I can’t deal with his crap. I don’t even know what I did wrong to make him hate me this much anyways. He’s just made my life hell and given me a really screwed up childhood and horrible memories to look back on. This really shouldn’t be how an older brother should act. Oh by the way, all the stuff I mentioned, he did when I was like 11 and 12. Just to let you know that this fucker does this to 11 year olds. I can’t stand him and I don’t want to live with him anymore. Sorry this got long but I could go on for pages about the shit he’s done to try and fuck up ny life.
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