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Yes, I’m the ‘apprentice’. Yes, I’m grateful for a job that’s actually lets me use my architecture degree. Yes, I’m one of only TWO females in the department. But please, give me a FUCKING break. Let me think. Let me design without BREATHING DOWN MY FRICKING NECK every second and telling me ‘what would be nice…’ as though I haven’t a thought in my pretty little head because I can assure you I’ve got plenty. The ones about the lot of you aren’t very nice at times, but the nice thing is that I don’t vent these thoughts… not yet anyway. It’s not helpful, it’s stifling. It’s belitting. CUT IT THE FUCK OUT. Have you gits got enough brain matter in your tiny little crania to realise that the more you send me back to the drawing board for the MOST MINUTE OF SHITTY REASONS is the longer it takes for a design to be finalised and everything just gets pushed back as a result? Well, do you? Well here’s a clue; I’ve got the same one brain that every non-mutant human on this earth has. How about backing the fuck off, leaving me to work stuff out instead of paternally patronising me and letting me get on with the fecking deadline?
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Post a confession or rant now! It’s completely anonymous.
Posted by BallBuster 9th May 2012