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So there’s this boy that I used to kinda like. In August, I sent him a message saying I kinda liked him, but wanted to know if it was worth my time, and he said no, so I was fine. Then he started kinda being an ass, and I forgot why I liked him.
Then today, we had to go to something for chorus, so I got a ride with him, and we were the only ones in the car. It was SO fun! I remembered why I had kinda had a crush on him: he’s fun, goofy, quirky, and nice.
And then we were around the handful of other chorus kids, at which point he turned into an asshole. I don’t get it. I mean, I guess it’s because people make fun of him a lot, which I understand (I get made fun of a lot by the other chorus kids, too), but still. When it was just us in his car, it was fun! We got semi trucks to honk and sang along to bad music on the radio and listened to some Swedish jazz-rap-punk-something band and had fun conversations.
In fact, we’d probably be a pretty decent couple, if we started dating. It’s just that I think we both have a similar flaw: around other people, we’re on guard, because we get made fun of a lot. He becomes an asshole, and I do the attempt at being clever (and fail, which makes people make fun of me more).
I don’t even know what I want. I’d ask him out, but I know he’s not interested. Guys don’t like me, even though I’m smart and clever and fun and pretty and hell, I even have big boobs. It’s stupid. But I know he’d say no, and then he’d be all awkward, and it’s just… It’s dumb.
Got something to say? Post Now! It’s totally anonymous… rant or confess about anything!
Posted by Sunshine 3rd January 2010
Try and get him separate from the chorus kids. Ask him to join another extracurricular outside of school.Post a confession or rant now! It’s completely anonymous.
Posted by Anonymous 27th October 2009
“Guys don?t like me, even though I?m smart and clever and fun and pretty and hell, I even have big boobs. It?s stupid.”Well you obviously aren’t that smart, clever, fun or pretty. And big boobs, in which case you’re probably fat. Take a diet.