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I am a fan of a group of really talented guys. I like the music and when people say good things about them and i like being updated on what they are doing. but lately, things have not been so nice. everything has been shit. There is always some sort of drama that goes on, every single day, for no reason. I try to enjoy something, and that gets shit all over. i am now blocking and ignoring people because i don’t want to see their shit all over my dashboard. it sucks and i’m not sure if it’s worth it. the guys are great, but the fans are just awful. i tried going into a tag today and it started off great, but then the hate started to roll in and the next thing i know, i’m reading posts about people hating the thing that i’m trying to enjoy. why don’t you just not tag your hate, bitch? don’t tag your hate and then you won’t have people shitting all over you. it’s common sense. and then there is always some sort of fight between fans and it just makes me wonder, then why are you here? why do you even bother calling yourself a fan? if all your going to do is complain and shit all over whatever you’re talking about, then why are you still a fucking fan?. that makes no sense to me. and then why the fuck do you care so much? wouldn’t it be easier for you if you just stopped talking about that thing/person/whatever? why can’t people just enjoy what they want without having to deal with stupid people. it has been almost 4 years and this is still happening. i am so fed up with this. keep your fucking mouth shut and don’t tag your shitty hate with the fucking tag of whoever you are talking about. dumbass bitches
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