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Some parents really frustrate me!why teach your kids to be the way they are and give in to all their little whinges, then wonder why they turn out to be the way they are?!
He is living with me now, and wont open up to me, i really need help there, something has happened at school and he wants to move back with his mum, he is jst settlin here!
Her first thoughts- it will be his last chance if he moves back, he needs to change, and if he doesnt she will send him to boarding shool!
He hasnt even got the ok to move back with her and she is giving him a consequence and setting him
Up to fail!
What parent does that?!!
Everytine there is an issue here i google whatshould i do?! Is that normal?
How do you deal with an angry teen who wont accept help?!
Feel like running away
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