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The truth about pretty girls


Posted 11th June 2011 3126

So I guess I’m what you’d call pretty. That’s what everyone wants to be right? Let me tell you the truth.. It’s not as awesome as you think. In fact socially, it blows.

First of all, everyone automatically assumes you’re a stuck up bitch. Just imagine for a second how it would feel if everyone you encountered assumed you were a stuck up bitch for no other reason than how you looked. It’s disheartening. No wonder it’s often true. The only way to dispel this assumption is to do all the approaching, act overly sweet and make self deprecating comments. To maintain that all the time is exhausting.

Second of all, everyone assumes you get everything you want and all the male attention you could dream of. The problem is, basically EVERYONE assumes that.. as well as assuming you’re a stuck up bitch. So in fact you really don’t get all that much attention, unless (as previously noted) you behave in a sickeningly sweet manner. To be fair, you do get a fair amount of attention, but due to the fact that most normal people have these preconceived notions about you, it comes from one of the following groups:

1. Obsessive and Possessive Nut Jobs
2. Men who cannot read social cues at all
3. Drunk Men

Men also love to go for the “Neglected cute friend” who they perceive as getting less attention than the beautiful girl. Nothing is wrong with this mentality, however since most men have this notion, the neglected cute friend is actually the one that gets more attention, while the pretty one is unfairly dismissed as being stuck up.

Third of all, the world is convinced this is a quality to be envied, and jealous of. So therefore many of the people around you, will seek to bring you down in any way possible. Women and men alike. Example “Oh.. she’s not THAT pretty, one of her eyebrows droops”, “I could never be attracted to her, she’s probably a stuck up bitch. I prefer the cute neglected girls”. As much as the world does not think these comments effect beautiful women, they do and can sometimes cut deep. No wonder all the beautiful girls are some of the most insecure in the world.

The fourth reason may be exclusive to a smaller amount of beautiful women, however for me it poses a deep frustration. That is the fact that everyone automatically assumes you’re too “dainty” to play sports well or get dirty. I play a ton of sports, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard comments like “You look like you’d be scared of the ball”, or “Oh you’re too cute to play this rough sport”.. which I find really offensive.

Anyways that’s my two cents. Hopefully someone will read it and treat the “pretty girl” differently

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Posted by Anonymous 22nd June 2011

Thats certainly something to think about. Thanks for putting it out there.

Posted by B 29th June 2011

Funny, I’m the token “cute” friend to a whole slew of gorgeous girls and none of them have any problem getting taken seriously or finding decent guys. There’s definitely a bit of what you’ve described, but nowhere near to the extent that you are trying to insinuate.

I can’t help but think that much of your trouble comes from you rather than from other people. Rather than trying to say that the reason everyone treats you like a stuck up bitch is because you’re pretty, maybe you should take a look in the mirror and see if perhaps there’s something you’re doing that causes people to see you in this light. Some of my friends are bitches but they’re also good people and most of the people they run into don’t instantly assume that they’re bitches because they don’t instantly act like Suzy Sunshine.

I think you need to get off of your pity wagon, pull your big girl pants up, and learn how to deal.

Posted by someguy 14th July 2011

most people dont assume your a stuck up bitch, it might be the way you act…i know some bitchs, and i never just assumed they were bitchs but i had to be around them at school and they did nothing but act like bitchs 24/ not saying you act like a bitch but most people dont just assume things.

Posted by GregReviewsWell 22nd July 2011

Honestly I’m attracted to pretty girls, yes. I talk to them. Now I am not the most handsome man ever but I’m not ugly. I’m plain, so most beautiful women dismiss me and act like a bitch so… I start to think of them as bitches. It’s not that you don’t get attention, it’s just not the attention you feel you have the right to for being pretty.

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