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Abortion was never a major issue for me. I doubt I’ll ever get one. Even if I was pregnant unexpectedly (and trust me, if I got pregnant now, it WOULD be unwanted) I’m not sure if I could get one. But what I’m seeing in Texas and Ohio and North Carolina scares the shit out of me because it’s starting to become a pattern.
I don’t just see restrictive laws being passed, I see ELECTED OFFICIALS show CONTEMPT for women. I see them walk out of the room while rape victims are testifying and shout down and shut up female senators. And most of all I see them break the laws they’re supposed to enforce and get away with it.
Deep down I know our government is content to bend a break the law on any number of issues, blue and red, on both sides of the isle, because our elected officials are mostly sociopaths. but seeing how blatantly they flaunt it when they know SO MANY PEOPLE ARE WATCHING, but since it’s mostly WOMEN watching on a “WOMEN’S ISSUE” (As if this issue isn’t a HUMAN RIGHTS issue, as if it doesn’t affect men too–There were wonderful, WONDERFUL compassionate men who testified on for their mothers and wives and daughters, and for the lives of women they’ve never even met because “women’s issues” are HUMAN ISSUES.)
It scares the hell out of me to see the contempt. The open contempt for women’s lives.
I never got or sought out an abortion, but Planned Parenthood was there for me after I was raped. They gave me cheap emergency contraception before it was as widely available as it is now. And they were warm and kind and wonderful when I was fragile and scared.
Fuck everything.
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