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I’m 23 and have been talking to a girl online for about 6 months and when I asked if she’d consider meeting up she said of course. So now, in October I have time off work and I might do the 2 hour train ride and meet her. Problem is, she will have only just 16. This means it’ll all be legal blah blah but is it weird? I find her extremely attractive, stunning actually and when I call her she’s able to have a serious, mature conversation but still knows how to have a laugh. She looks older than she is so I don’t think anyone would be looking at us like ‘oh fuck, look at him fucking pervert’ or anything but I duno. She’s also told me that she’s still a virgin but has given a few BJs in her time and she’s told me her parents will be on holiday so I’m welcome to stay… Should I stop being a wimp and just go for it?
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Posted by Anonymous 25th June 2010
How exactly am I taking advantage? She obviously wants sex or she wouldn’t have asked me to stay. I did offer to get a hotel but she insisted. Even if she didn’t want sex though I’d still want to meet her and see what she’s like irl.Posted by LULZ 27th June 2010
Stop being a pussy and shag her. She’s gagging for it blates.Posted by Anonymous 3rd July 2010
haha. its going to be To Catch a Predator. Really thou. just fucking wait if she’s so worth it.Posted by Anonymous 12th July 2010
yeah dude wtf? I’m 16 and a virgin, I would NOT do it with some dude I just met in person. How come your assuming she wants sex? and if she is so great then you should wait ESPECIALLY if shes a virgin… your making her sound like a whore!Posted by Anonymous 19th July 2010
SHE WANTS SEX AND GUESS WHAT? SHE’S GETTIN IT IN A FEW MONTHS.Posted by Sound through the silence 16th August 2010
Go find a nice girl your own age, and do not take advantage of this girl. Chances are she is lying about her age, and she is much younger anyway. It’s illegal.Post a confession or rant now! It’s completely anonymous.
Posted by Anonymous 25th June 2010
don’t take advantage of somebody who is 7 years younger than you, there are plenty of lovely girls your own age. saying ’she says she has given a few bj’s’ says to me that you are planning to have sex with her - don’t be so stupid and call it off now.