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My gf of about a year and a half broke up with me four days ago in a text message. The day before that she had called about taking a break. We started seeing each other senior year of college and after that it had to be long distance because we were both so broke that we had to live with our parents. The issue of not seeing each other became worse and worse, more and more painful, until both of us felt like we should reconsider the relationship and where it was really headed. But she broke up with me in a text message!? We were in love, and i actually thought that in a couple years and with more financial stability that id ask her to marry me! What the fuck you evil bitch you said you loved me and then you text message broke up with me…. Even if you did love me, you didnt respect me at all and i guess you dont respect yourself enough to be anything more than a common coward. FUCK YOU for the pain you put me through you evil hearted, inconsiderate, dishonest shell of a human being! I cant believe i wasted so much time on you and I cant believe that i didnt see through all your weird bullshit and superficiality until now. What kind of person breaks up with someone who thought you were in love… IN A TEXT MESSAGE!? I hope to god that you have some really fucked up relationship karma, I hope to god that somebody shows you what its like to hurt this badly. Anyone reading this, please do the right thing. Please for the sake of all that is good and holy, be CLASSY when you break up with somebody. If at all possible do it in person! The wikihow will show you all the healthiest, most mature ways to go about it. My ex did none of those things, and it hurts much more because she didnt.
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