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I am lost I am scared I am afraid I am afraid writing this just because my words are now in the world I am afraid they may appear on the page for you to see I am afraid of love I am afraid of happiness I am afraid of trust because it can be broken and it has been broken before and it will be broken again because we live in a world that applauds and excepts it we live in a world without identity without purpose with too many options and no one to point us in a direction with infinite possibilities and more limitations status image sound belief difference and indifference just the need to put someone down or not give them life because they are engraved in the long living fabric of the failed American dream that has now been achieved by few and denied to many a long lost propensity for freedom freedom of will and speech a constant feeling of distrust and the ethereal third eye watching telling you that you are doing something wrong walking down the street as a criminal with no witness victim or crime failure to believe in a government or higher power because everything has webs of gluttonous evil sinewed in the very fabric so deep that it cant be seen with a microscope and a loss of humor and a loss of innocence a trap open teeth ready to catch and never let go the belief in objects money television fame sex narcissism godlessness empathetic abstinence and depression that is blamed on everything but the very frail fabric of life and the eternal need for everyone to be pushed to their fullest potential in a world that stacks stones and books boulders mountains chains bars words and eyes pressing on the top of the head to keep from ever growing tall and being able to see pass the shrubbery to the horizon and beyond. A monotonous drone set in motion by medieval rituals never emphatic always in repetition digging a deeper trench around the fortress of the chosen robbed of consciousness and filled with dirty hamster wheels
I am afraid I am. Why?
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