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I keep fucking up my life and i can never forgive myself. I’m such an emotional person and i get emotionally attached and because of that I do things i regret to feel like I’m worth something when in in the end it just makes me feel less and less about myself. I feel so alone, even though i’m surrounded by people who i know love me. I have family, but I don’t know what family is. I have friends, but they all leave me thinking everything is fine. I have myself, but I’m the person I hate the most. Sometimes I just want to end it all and fall into the abyss of death where nothing matters anymore, but you know…we can’t all have everything we want, right?
Got something to say? Post Now! It’s totally anonymous… rant or confess about anything!
Posted by Anonymous 5th February 2016
I have been in the same footsteps,it gets better.Life is a difficult roller coaster ride for everyone.even if you feel people dislike you it is all in your head.i thought everyone was against me ,but really a lot of people were with me.You can get through this ,you have people that have been through the same.Post a confession or rant now! It’s completely anonymous.
Posted by Anonymous 31st January 2016
I understand what you’re going through. All I can say is that you cannot give up. I know you feel alone but trust me, you are not the only one. i know exactly what this feeling is like because I am going through pretty much the exact thing.Just remember that it is okay to mess up. We are human and we make mistakes. Sometimes its hard to accept them and move on, but it is the only thing to do. Please stay strong. We are in this together.