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First off, when I am talking about sisters, I do not mean the biological ones. I mean the ones that you make a lifelong commitment to, who are supposed to be there for you no matter what, and are supposed to know you so well. The sisters I am referring to are sorority sister. Now, don’t get me wrong, they have their moments, but lately, it seems like I am all by myself with no one to turn to an no one to talk to.
My big decided to leave the sorority, and it tore me apart. I lost my best friend that day, along with my big. I had no one else, and I spent a lot of time trying to fit in with everyone else. But to be honest, I know the reason know why I joined. I didn’t join for the values of the group, the letters, or to be a part of the in crowd, I joined for her. I joined to be closer to her. She was my go to person, and now she is never around. I haven’t spoken to her in months, and we still go to the same college together…
Remember how I said that sisters are supposed to know who you are? I feel like I am constantly having to remind people who I am as a person, as if they never met me. I received a text from one of my “sisters” today saying that she heard through the grapevine that I was saying mean things about her. Now before I really go off, I appreciate the fact that she didn’t make a scene about it and agreed to calmly meet me somewhere to talk about it. First problem I have with this situation is the fact that she said grapevine. This word just bugs me to no end because this is how false rumors begin, and information gets lost from person to person and people make up shit along the way. Second problem I have with this is the fact that she is the nicest person in our group, and doesn’t have a shitty bone in her body for me to talk shit about. That made no sense to me, like at all. Third, and this goes back to constantly having to reintroduce myself to the group, I feel like I am always having to defend myself and it hurts a lot. These people claim to know me, and anyone that knows me knows that I do not talk shit on people, that I always try to find the light in people.
Now, after reading this, does it sound like people really know me and will always be there for me? My answer…? I have a feeling I made the wrong decision to join this group, and that’s so sad.
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