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Young drivers insurance is a fucking JOKE! I’m 20, and on my Dad’s insurance I get an average of £2,500 - £4,000 quote on any car! And that is per year, so all together monthly it’ll cost more!
Fucking rip-off merchant tossers seem to think that a young driver who spends money on a decent car will go out and crash it. Has it not gone through anyone’s fucking skull that buying a nice car might actually make someone drive sensibly?
Fuck you, you piece of shits ripping off young drivers. WANKERS!!!
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Posted by Anonymous 25th March 2011
mate ino the feeling fucking rip off bastards swear down most young lad drivers dont even drive that bad. Like you said if the value of the car is high they should realise your not going to drive it like a prick and your obviously respectable enough to afford the fuckin thing!robbing bastards, we should just put the wrong age in haha or change your title to mrs :L