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i do believe i hit my target. and truely i do believe and hope those that support that kind of crap for entertainment should dye quick and painfully as possible. cant say as it bothers me much. shrug. if attacked i am going to rip a whole in the space time continuem and make the sicko’s eat their own crap.
concept of being wrong and doing actual harm. it”s tuff. this shit gives peeps strokes with the right spin and a whole lota fuck u. and being wrong. my brain scream WAIT. get the facts and i do. but ummm would i of felt bad had it guessed wrong ummm really i dont think i am capable of that sorta thing without a reasonable base to assume stuff. as in one would have to of attacked me before in much the same manor orrrrr i woulda not gone there. saddly what kills in reality is the truth. some peeps just cant take it. me for one. lolol. really at some point i considered i was being lyed to anddddd i went…..k. truely i have taken enough crap. peeps can keep their own.
really from some purspective i think i handled it all pretty well. except for almost stroke andddd the purspective is fucked beyond words.
i do think WAIT is a good rule. but extremely time limited. at most 3 days anddddd really that little song and dance was getting addressed dismised and gone right now ish. i got facts first. and am willing to listen to a good lye. all things considered avoiding seems a far better choice. pretty sure changing my name aint going to work.
ya get younger everyday. think i get off on age appropreate ish. fuck that somebody let me know when the train stops at 12. gezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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