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i am totally, fed up with ex fellas, who think they can just text or turn up and you will welcome, them with open arms, why dont they get a fucking, life and let us get on with ours.
Got something to say? Post Now! It’s totally anonymous… rant or confess about anything!
Posted by Grammar Please 13th August 2009
Where did you learn to use commas?Posted by Anonymous 6th September 2009
I totally agree! Who the fuck do they think they are! You have to be strong and ignor him! Show him that you are not on his lesh anymore! If he was supposed to be in your life you would still be together, but your not so he needs to leave you alone!Posted by Anonymous 17th October 2009
What do you think you are? U r just a fucking cow for us guys to milk and get what we need from you….that is all you are good for any way, biatch.Posted by Anonymous 17th October 2009
All we need from you is to open your fucking legs…no talk no nagging…you fucking slut..Post a confession or rant now! It’s completely anonymous.
Posted by Anonymous 4th August 2009
Seriously they just want to keep us on a damn fishing line..When they are ready to have your company again they will real you in..It is pretty sad that they have that control over us!