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Seriously this is something I sooo have to get off my chest. I can’t stand my mother, i swear I fucking hate her. She’s never supportive and always trys to control my god damn life, and when she can’t she gets mad at me and tells me how i’m wrong. I’ve been the 2nd person in our family to graduate from college, finally going to walk the stage at my ceremony in 2 weeks, and she’s known for 3-5 months and decides to not come after she told me i have to go. I know she’s had a lot of difficult things going on in her life especially between her and my dad and they are currently seperated and on verge of a divorce but that doesn’t mean treat me like shit and forget about me. And just because I associate with his girlfriend doesn’t mean my mother can get all mad at me and basically disown me because apparently I don’t understand how much it hurts her. Sorry your right I don’t but because your misserable and can’t have my dad doesn’t mean I can’t spend time with him, I’m taking a sacrifice and being nice to his girlfriend just so I can spend time with him and have a bond with him. I mean seriously between both of my parent’s he’s been the only one that has ever supported me in anything, especially when I went to college. He’s the only parent going to my graduation anyways. I mean it does suck that mother’s day and my younger sisters sweet 16 does happen that same exact weekend but she couldn’t just fly down for a day or two and spend time down here and go to my graduation and we do something for my lil sister, who misses being here and wants to spend her sweet 16 here. My mother is so fucking selfish sometimes, what a great role model, and a great parent. I’ve had horrible stages of depression within the past 4-5 years, and 75% of the time it has been stress that my mother has given and lack of support from her that drives me to be upset and down on myself. I never feel good about what I’m doing or who I am all because she’s never there for me….. It hurts, and Ive told her things like this and she’s always giving me the same speech of o no i’m so proud of you, etc etc. but yet its never shown directly to me.
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Posted by Girly 1st May 2011
Ya know what, you walk down that aisle, and you rock your stuff. Then show your mom the picture and be like, Hey mom remember when i graduated, oh wait, your to selfish and didnt go. Thanks for nothin bitch!