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so I just checked web assign (a site where my physic teacher posts hw) and I didnt realize that I missed a homework until now. and here i am freaking out about the whole thing. like yes i could just let it go and miss one homewokr BUT ITS ONE HW? like what do i do now? do I sound like a nerd or something? but grades are important you feel? and at this point im too lazy to actually study for tests so my hw grade is the only thing keeping my grade afloat! and im all like hmm mebe i should ask for an extention but what do i do just go up to her and be like “Hey Ms.____. I just realized that a homework was do thursday (mind you its sunday today) and i didnt realize that we had homework? could you give me an extra day to do it?” like yes im sure shes a reasonable person and such but like UGHHHHHH I THOUGHT SHE WOULD HAVE TOLD US BEFOREHAND?? OHHH MAI LORD.
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Posted by - 2nd October 2016
dude chill it’s just homework