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there is something seriously wrong with a 24 year old who has still never found love. i am so lonely and i feel like i’m getting old. i have all these friends and more of them are guys than girls even. but no one wants me to be their number one. if i’m so great then why am i only good enough to be your friend? am i that ugly? that’s pretty bad… i’m seriously contemplating suicide. haven’t done that in a few years. i thought i was going to be ok, but i’m still not. the only affection i get is the occasional sex i let happen. i usually secretly cry afterwards every time i do it. i feel used up and pathetic. i’m not ok. everyone thinks i am, but i’m really not. why does no one want me? i don’t understand.
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Posted by Logical Asshole Wit, LAW 23rd February 2010
Go offline, then you don’t see a computer at a cooking class, or at a volunteering at a cancer ward (actually you do but you should be looking up youtube). Get off your computer, and do more stuff. It’s a number game, more people you interact the better chances off finding somebody (ironically i am on a computer but whatever)Posted by Anonymous 11th March 2010
I feel the same way. I haven’t had any boyfriends since middle school. I feel like no one wants me. But don’t give up. I agree with the first comment.Post a confession or rant now! It’s completely anonymous.
Posted by Anonymous 22nd February 2010
hey you. i’m turning 24 soon, no guy has ever wanted me except old, greasy 40+ foreign men, and the last time that happened was over 5 years ago. i’ve not even kissed yet. it’s hard, it hurts, but don’t kill yourself. i’ve had these thoughts, sometimes they’re comforting. but it’d hurt and upset the ones you mean something to as a friend too much. i get no affection, no love, i keep losing friends. i’ve not seen a good friend in months. all i’m trying to say is - don’t focus so much on that. find a soulmate, and let it be online. someone who’s there when you feel lonely, to distract you, give you virtual love. don’t give up. sending virtual hugs your way.