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Not sure if my wife still loves me. She has not hugged, kissed or held my hands for so long that I cannot remember the last time. She would have left the house a long time ago if she did not love me anymore. I what the he’ll is wrong. Me? Her? Not meant to be? . I feel I want to leave but then I want to continue. Frustration levels are so high that thoughts of suicide have gone through my mind
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Posted by Calm down 6th November 2012
Talk it over with her <:)Posted by Mirrored Image 9th November 2012
Both the previous commenters are right. Talk to her and see if the two of you can see a marriage counsellor. If you’re feeling this way then there’s a good chance she is feeling some of it as well, maybe each of you is just waiting for the other to break the silence. Let your wife know you miss her, and that if there are problems you want to work them out. It could do wonders.Post a confession or rant now! It’s completely anonymous.
Posted by Anonymous 3rd November 2012
I highly recommend you see a marriage counselor. If your wife won’t go with you, go alone. It could help immensely to have an uninvolved, third party listen to you, and they’d be able to offer real, professional advice. Best of luck.