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wish I could find the right girl to just to be my best friend
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Posted by Hard Corps 28th November 2008
Weak sauce. Stop being such a pussy.Posted by Daddy 27th January 2009
Girls arent usually good Best Friends because they will call you everyday and tell you about their problems, never asking you how you are. You will secretly fall in love with them and you will get mad when they say “your such a good friend, i wish i could find a nice guy like you” thats the freakin kiss of death. In the end its not worth it. You will hate every time they call you talking about other guys, you will start giving them bad advice on purpose, when they find out, they get pissed and it all turns to shit. NOT WORTH IT. Buy a dog, they are loyal.Post a confession or rant now! It’s completely anonymous.
Posted by Anonymous 26th November 2008
You probably already have her then.