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my own mom keeps saying shit about me like wthat the fuck? anyway, i was upstairs minding my own shit and i hear her downstairs like “she was at home all day and she told me she was in her room all day and she didn’t clean the house” and i cleaned like the whole damn house and she’s like “she doesnt like to clean or something” and she does not flush her damn toilet and when i used to take showers there, i would see hair EVERY FUCKING WHERE. then she’d throw her used pads and tampons and bloody toilet paper onto the bathroom floor and expects me to clean it like the fuck bitch i am not your damn maid. her closet is a gigantic mess and it takes her like 10 years for her to get ready. it’s like she walked into that devil’s hole(closet) every morning and comes out 2,000 years like looking like dumledore
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