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Okay it just really pissed me off that that girl phrased it, ?what is your issue?? I?m sorry, I don?t have an issue. But really, you had to ask me AGAIN? I?m sorry, but I was surprised to hear that the boy I?d been BANGING for several weeks had a GIRLFRIEND. It took me a minute to realize what a douchebag he was and whether or not I was going to cover his ass even though he lied to me.
So back to me having an issue- ACTUALLY, the only issue here is yours, girl: your boyfriend has an issue with being balls deep in other women when he is dating you. That is no longer my issue. That?s your boyfriend. Not mine. So please don?t be a bitch to me when I lie to keep you two together. I obviously don?t have bad intentions; he lied to me about not dating you.
For a minute there, I thought you might deserve to know. Maybe you were a good person. But that second, ?again, what?s your issue?? was a little much. You have the AUDACITY to talk to someone you don?t know like that? Wow. And I STILL told you what you wanted to hear. I still tried to salvage your relationship. But that?s a different motive altogether.
So on one front, I thought you would deserve some respect as a human being but? A. You?re obviously a rude bitch. And B. You?re dumb enough that you didn?t notice the fucking stains on his sheets that he has not washed, and the mysteriously missing condoms. The stains are so big! Are you fucking stupid? HA?. Well, maybe you are fucking Stupid, but I fucked him too bitch. So best of luck. You can keep on thinking that we made out! You deserve to be in that shitty relationship. :)
I know the right choice would be to just tell her, that would make her life easier, but? If you?re going to be a rude bitch to me, I?m going to make sure you suffer with that cheater. Wow, I was stupid to trust him, but you? Oh, you? For GODS sake, there are OBVIOUS stains on the sheets. All over. Smell the pillow for christ?s sake! Sorry, but I thought I was the only one! Doesn?t mean you need to be a rude bitch. But anyway, your boyfriend isn?t going to tell you that we fucked. Much less about how many times we fucked. Or the shit he said about you being dumb as a box of rocks- which is true, because you have the audacity to talk to me like that. HA.
But also, at least you saved me the trouble of thinking for one minute that you were a respectable human being. I mean honestly, you?re barely a human being, you dwarf-ass bitch. Do not get in my fucking face again. Or I will hit you.
Oh thank god for this confession box. If I didn?t get that out, I don?t know how long I would sit on those thoughts. I?m going to bed, and I will never speak of this again.
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Posted by Silver 12th September 2011
You just try to be nice to them, but that just isn’t enough. Sell her your soul next time why don’t you?