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why do people want live their lives an absolute misery and agony and bitterness. wierdest fucking thing. i can see how it is easy to head there but it aint alot of fun and very self distructive. meh i dont get it but ya cant dew anything about others wants even if they r negitive. and really sewww prevelent on our new and improved world it scares me. lots scares me and i accept that it should. my goal is to learn to live with rational fears and idk live my life in spite of, i guess. idk my life could bee viewed as misery but it aint what i see/feel and i actively work to limit others effects negitive and really i cant make ANYBODY happy just me. truely REAL peeps who dew actually KNOW wonder how i stay so positive in a world that is not. i can sniffle out an ouce of happy in crazy and enjoy every second whilst leaving self imposed crazy to those who let it eat them.
16? i was already suzy homemaker by then. lololol. i try not to moarn the idk desposable in world today. familys fragmented and isolated to dust. i am sure there is a purfectly good reason and that really we aint suppose to know. i am content that the world can not bee what i saw all my life but then it didnt make much sense then either. i see making assessments on stuff that really have little to dew with me as just as much a waste of time as old daze questions of why do we as a society allow such atrositys. hunger and deasease and hurt and wars and seriously questions that will never make sense from ANY view. content to let it go to that which IS. shrug.
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