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he won’t pay the bills. he doesn’t buy shit. he barely ever cleans. we don’t talk like we use to either. i’m losing my mind and my best friend. the worst part? i think i’m in love with this womanizer who doesn’t care a bit about me. i think he may have at one point. but i’m not pretty enough. i almost think he thinks he can do what he wants with other girls now because i will always be there waiting for him. well, i won’t. fuck him. he’s the one missing out because i would be absolutely perfect for him. but he wouldn’t be perfect for me. and i just need to truely realze that so i can stop crying over him..
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Posted by : ( 1st March 2010
/hugsare the bills in your name? is the apartment/house in your name?
The best I can think of for a situation like this is to just get out. If he doesn’t pay, and the bills are in his name, its his problem. Find somewhere and someone else. He’s a parasite.
If its in your name, then ask him to pay up or replace him. If he can’t understand why you need more from him, then he wasn’t a friend. And if he can understand and he does care about you, he’ll either make changes, or leave so you can still be friends while you find a better living arrangement.
Don’t saddle yourself with the pain of living with him AND taking care of his problems at the same time. Separate, and then deal with the emotional.
From experience, a friend who takes your money and never gives anything in return, is not a friend. It just hurts to take off the mask and see the manipulation behind it.