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Ok I met this amazing guy online. We talked on the phone and I felt myself really falling for him. There was just one problem - I didn’t know what he looked like. So of course I made sure not to commit before we met. We met today and I am not physically attracted to him. We had an argument about this before and he called me shallow for counting physical beauty. Ok, let me just say I do not put ALL the emphasis on looks. Though I will not be seeing him again because he completely turns me off. Everytime he comes close, I move away as if repelled. He’s telling me that physical beauty should not matter - only inner. And that because I let it matter, I am shallow. I do not think of myself as shallow. But I guess I am if I won’t date a guy because of how he looks. He doesn’t know how I feel and I didn’t have the heart to tell him so I will make up a lie about another guy to let him down easier. Do you think I’m shallow for not dating someone that I find physically revolting?
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Posted by howrudeareyou 3rd February 2009
There was a great episode during the first season of The Practice in which Eleanor — the heavyset attorney — was sued by a guy who she’d had a great phone relationship with, but when they met, she was turned off by his looks. He sued her for fraud because in her ad, she’d said “looks don’t matter.”Posted by Anonymous 8th June 2009
You’re not shallow at all bbz.Posted by Anonymous 16th September 2009
rite on brother lolPost a confession or rant now! It’s completely anonymous.
Posted by Anonymous 2nd February 2009
I don’t think that you should have to date a guy because your not attracted to him, people in general are shallow. Everyone judges everyone by appearance whether we see that we do or not. So don’t worry your not shallow, your only human.My twin even agrees with me.