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I’m fat, and no I don’t want your pity. I just don’t understand why I can’t even get a fat girl to fucking like me. Everyone is all about looks first, personality second. Even the fat ugly ass bitches that preach about the idea that people should accept you for who you are, are going around just landing desperate, decent looking men. It’s fucking outrageous how hypocritical and fucking stupid women truly are. I bust my ass every mother fucking day and night. I’ve dieted on and off for 2 years, lost more weight than most people do in a lifetime, and that’s still not good enough. I’m sick and tired of this generation of people and their mother fucking warped ideas that they are entitled to everything they can get their fucking hands on. Most of this world makes me fucking sick, and i honestly hope a lot of you will eventually hop off your high horse and learn how to accept everyone. I’ll have a six pack when I’m 40, while the rest of you will let your bodies go to absolute shit once you have your first child. Fuck this stupid ass society
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Posted by Anonymous 7th August 2015
Dear Anonymous,Don’t let people judge you by your weight. Your wight doesn’t define you. Be happy and comfortable with your body. These egotistical guys an go over somewhere else where they appreciate big air-heads like them.
Stay Strong,