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so for a few years now ive been saying how i like being single. well, guess what? i lied! big shocker, huh? who would want to b lonely and feel unwanted? sex isnt a problem. im a girl, attractive, sex is easy to get if i want it. but intimacy ? nah. too much drama n heartache.anywayz, i meet this guy n the sex is electric !! i mean WHITE FUCKING HOT!! hes single n good looking. great job , lives alone. i told myself i wouldnt ever let it become more then sex. but these last few days, no weeks, i CANNOT stop thinking about him. not love thoughts. more like hot lusty wish u were here fucking me 24/7 thoughts. is it possible to b addicted to someones cock?? n the more i think about him n me fucking the more i find myself thinking i might really LIKE him. which i know sounds a little backwards but heh, im not ranting on here bcuz im terribly all together m i? anyway its affecting my job, my home life..its starting to really suck..i dont wanna fall in love again..n get hurt..again :/ should i end it??
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Posted by mr mr 9th November 2011
i wouldn’t. enjoy yourself while you can.also, if you’re single, what home life do you have? it is just yourself! lol
in regards to your job, just remember that you need to pay the bills, so don’t fuck up work over a cock. also, if it is a cock from work, definately don’t fuck it since things could get weird.
hope my advice helped 6 months after the fact.