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tired of you

Posted 12th September 2017 1434

I have had it with you trying to drive me to suicide you filthy whore.You want benefits you won’t get.I have had it with you and the people you lie to.I have had it with no one asking me a damn thing and simply acting on your lies.I have had it with your jealousy.You are a first class retard.I am not going to give you anything for any reason get that through your hard retarded head.Your spiteful ways won’t accomplish anything.Well except make me hate you even more than I already do.You wanted me to be retarded so you could put me in a home and collect my inheritance as though it were your own.Filthy slut puppy courts know I don’t have a sister there you lying sack of extorting filth.Yes you missed at the lobotomy.Nice try though.You knew youd get caught at the false premise of me being a drug addict.All without the benefit of me being in court as I wasn’t in that hospital in fla but in va living my life.You also knew that the shots of vivitrol would remind me of being gang raped.On cue every month.It also reminded me of something else I won’t tell on this board Hoping Id snap huh you despicable cunt.When that failed you used the excuse I had brain cancer, great excuse to shoot me in the face.Hoping, I’d either put on a burka or that you had succeeded at a lobotomy, either would have solved your problem, wouldn’t it ,you coward.I am so tired of hearing that you don’t stand on ceremony.Yeah you don’t stand for the truth justice light or anything honorable either.You and doug thought you wer slick stealing my phone tell me did you tell heather the truth.Yeah she called back.It was real cute the return of it where I wouldn’t put it.Dont worry its been disconnected you won’t make another call on it.Yes you are the reason its been disconnected.I am not legally or morally obligated to support you.I won’t be extorted to do so either.Nothing I have ever had currently have or will ever have is connected to you.You aren’t owed anything by me nor have you ever been.I am tired of hearing for other how much of a survivor you are.You aren’t a survivor you are a would be murdering slut.Most definitely a thieving conniving whore through and through.True survivors don’t do what you do.They learn to pull themselves up by their own bootstrap without stealing torturing and maiming others.They learn to lose gracefully well if the loss is natural.No one who loses unnaturally is but so graceful.Oh and one other thing I am not going back to work.Its time for you to get up off your welfare alimony disability collecting ass and go to work.I am tired of others trying to force your needed therapy on me.I worked for over thirty years in multiple professions companies.
I am not going to commit suicide because you wish it bitch.Oh and take your hellion real father if he is even that and shove him where the sun doesn’t shine.He screwed so many women he probaly wouldn’t know who you are or were.No wonder you wanted my life.My parents were married quite faithfully for over thirty years.Not a ghost chance in hell of any bastard child popping up.Hey you can’t help your background but you could improve your life by admitting your hatred of anyone who had a stable childhood.Then maybe you wouldn’t torture them.Tell me did your daddy rape you when you were a kid?Sounds like it and you want others to understand and pay for it. Hate to tell you those who weren’t molested raped as children won’t ever understand That includes me.No I am not going to pay for it.I didn’t have anything to do with it and you aren’t my child.Go lay your never ending guilt trip on someone else that dog doesn’t hunt here

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Posted by AlysonZbk 3rd October 2017

My friend and I went camping the other day. It was a very bad experience, as he wouldn’t let me sleep all night. He kept talking about random stories and complained about his anxiety. I totally told him to <a href=>source</a> and deal with it.

Posted by MIARri 5th October 2017

Posted by AlysonCls 6th October 2017

My friend and I went camping the other day. It was a horrific experience, as he wouldn’t let me sleep all night. He kept talking about random stuff and whined about his anxiety. I totally told him to <a href=>interaction</a> and deal with it.

Posted by AlysonQjw 9th October 2017

Posted by AlysonXqr 10th October 2017

Posted by MIAXvi 16th October 2017

Posted by BethanyPdb 20th October 2017

Oh God. I don’t know what to do as I have Lots of work to do next week summer. Plus the university exams are coming, it will be a disaster. I am already panicking maybe I should <a href=>click here</a> to calm down a little bit. Hopefully it will all go well. Wish me luck.

Posted by BethanyPya 23rd October 2017

Posted by AlysonEwj 28th October 2017

Posted by BethanyCji 9th November 2017

Oh Heavens. I don’t know what to do as I have a lot of of work to do next week month. Plus the university exams are nearing, it will be a hell. I am already losing sleep maybe I should <a href=>click here</a> to calm down a little bit. Hopefully it will all go well. Wish me luck.

Posted by BethanyFvl 10th November 2017

Hello everybody! Recently I have been battling with a lot of hardships. Friends and doctors keep telling me I should consider taking pills, so I may as well <a href=>site</a> and see how it goes. Problem is, I haven’t taken it for a while, and don’t wanna get back to it, we’ll see how it goes.

Posted by BethanyBtm 13th November 2017

My friend and I went camping the other day. It was a tiring experience, as he wouldn’t let me sleep all night. He kept talking about random things and cried about his insomnia. I totally told him to <a href=>interaction</a> and deal with it.

Posted by BethanyXck 13th November 2017

My friend and I went camping the other day. It was a very bad experience, as he wouldn’t let me sleep all night. He kept talking about random stories and complained about his sleeplessness. I totally told him to <a href=>source</a> and deal with it.

Posted by ElvaJop 14th November 2017

Hey guys!!!
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Posted by BethanyAyr 14th November 2017

Hey everyone! Recently I have been struggling with a lot of hardships. Friends and doctors keep telling me I should consider taking medicine, so I may as well <a href=>this</a> and see how it goes. Problem is, I haven’t taken it for a while, and don’t wanna get back to it, we’ll see how it goes.

Posted by ElvaTme 22nd November 2017

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