Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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why do people want live their lives an absolute misery and agony and bitterness. wierdest fucking thing. i can see how it is easy to head there but it aint alot of fun and very self distructive. meh i dont get it but ya cant dew anything about others wants even if they r negitive. and really sewww prevelent on our new and improved world it scares me. lots scares me and i accept that it should. my goal is to learn to live with rational fears and idk live my life in spite of, i guess. idk my life
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I can’t take it anymore. All my money goes to child support and gas to see my son once a week- and I am the mother. The father is an ego bruised sociopath manipulating the system with stride. I have no criminal record, drug issue, ect reason for a good mother to fight to see her son who was kidnapped by father- but n/m that !!
I have been living well below the poverty line for 3 years. Before my ex snapped and took my boy, I had money, I had things. I was homeless for a few months, then I even
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I despise men’s clothes especially pants and T-shirts. There are some male short- Short pants for running/jogging of course. But they are not my stuff because they expose hideous leg muscles and hairs. I think no country but Myanmar sells skirts for men ;/ Sadly men must wear very long pants or short pants with very awkward length because of their bulged “limbs”, hideous leg muscles and hairs. And that bulged “limbs” make exposure of every underwear very hideous. In other words being a dude
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if… i had a partner in a big job and if…i was an equal partner in any endevor ummmmm in application it would never work as all i wanted was a hug. shrug.
A paper Jam can lead to us not being able to handle a mortgage and taxes. It doesn’t matter what it is, if it doesn’t go perfectly it turns into something horribly wrong for the brief interval of time it takes you get over it. I have been flat out all week long getting furniture picked up and the house cleaned, fixing a this washer drainage hose because of a mouse that is going to somehow forces us out of the home. I went to the bathroom and told you I was doing that to watch the baby and make
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Had the worst breakup of my life a few weeks ago. Not because we said mean/harsh things to each other, it was actually pretty calm when he broke up with me and wasn’t offensive but him leaving me really is breaking my heart. He thought that we’re too far from each other but to me he was totally worth it but i guess he needed more. I see him in everything everywhere i go. I miss him so much and i just always have this hole in my heart and empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. I keep telling
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I thought I would sell maybe 1000 copies or so. Sounds logical considering there’s millions of iOS users out there.
I only sold 3. lol !!!!!!!!!!
So much time wasted sending targeted email to request for app review, tweets, reddit posts, forum posts etc.
I wish I was the guy I was supposed to be. My friends and family ignore that I prefer being male, and ignore it a bit. But it’s obvious. Still, I love my friends. I feel in place among them. though, I’m nobody’s favorite. I always say something stupid, or I mess up, or I forget to give someone special the attention they deserve.. At school I don’t really have friends either. I have one girl that I chitchat with, but she gossips behind my back and I know that. I have no anxiety, or scars,
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SS I wish nothing but the worse for you. I will wish the worse for you till the day I die. You brought nothing buy misery in my life. And I dont care if karma gets me. But just as long it happens to you first.
college makes me want to put a bullet in my skull. paying thousands of dollars for a cheap ass education that i’ll forget anyway. useless knowledge that has no real life application. no wonder the world sucks. universities are farms for barely literate monkeys. monkeys that will one day run businesses, schools, and governments because they drank their way to a useless piece of paper. is it worth it? no. does society demand it? yes. will i make it? time will tell.
I used to be in love with my husband but I’m not so sure any more. He never asks me for my opinion on anything and then when he does something stupid, it’s up to me to clean up whatever mess he made. I feel so unappreciated by him sometimes. He always wants something like food, sex, or for me to walk upstairs to our bedroom to grab something because he’s too lazy to do it himself. If I ask him for something he “forgets” or complains about having to do it.
I know he’s a man but he drives me
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I make 14k more annually. I will buy the expensive science diet cat food, you fuck! It’s pretty well a total extra expense of $30 per year. Pretty sure I can manage, ass.
I’m sick of you. You bitch and moan constantly. You include me at your convenience and if I say shit, I’m the bad guy i hate all of your petty obsessions. I’m sick of this being normal to be so mindless. Just because you can’t even talk to any one of the weekly crushes you have, doesn’t mean that my conversation with the opposite sex means I want to hook up with them. The rest of you do deserve this as much as her. Your weak and gullible. I don’t know how I can even stand you. You let her gain
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orrr go wack off someplace else huimmmmmmm
nagnagnag. yes i know gambling is taking a toll but idk is it any worse than any other addition. shrug. anddd really the cc company asked me to cut it the fuck out andddd i shall endevor to . really road to distruction. sighhhhh. everything fun is sometimes. ummm in reality there arent many places a single woman can go anddd it’s the only place most men will take their mates.
and really i aint rate a show but the cornel was halarious. some people r
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