Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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i really, really wish i could tell my boyfriend my deepest, darkest secrets. infact, i just wish i could scream it out at the top of my lungs sometimes. i can’t tell anybody though, it’s serious, and far too personal. how would i even bring that conversation up? ‘hi, this happened to me a few years ago. it has fucked me up a little’. it’s not like anybody would believe me anyway. well, my mum knows. i had to tell her. only when she questioned me about it though, and that was years after it had
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Why does this hurt so much? I never thought it would feel as bad as this. I trusted him, he said he would never hurt me and he has, in the worst possible way. I know i have to let him go but i can’t, it’s too damn hard. I don’t believe his reasons either, they don’t make sense. If he doesn’t want to be with me then why was he crying after he left? Why was he wiping tears away when he thought i couldn’t see? I guess i’ll never truly know why and that’s the worst part!
Sometimes i wish he would just make me feel special. I know he loves me, he says it all the time but there’s no proof! If i mention it he will get more affectionate for a week or two as always then it goes back the same way. Seems that when he thinks he might lose me he gets scared and fights for me yet other times doesn’t seem to care much. Is he just a typical bloke with really no clue about what women think or feel or does he just enjoy acting like a total ass?!!!
I am in a predicament and at a hard time in my life. I am planning my future because I am about to graduate and pending an engagement. I do not know what to do if this engagement follows through and how to tell my family. I dated this boy before and yes he was a boy. Now he grew up to be a responsible man and now we realize more then ever we could possibly be meant to be. Do I follow my heart or do I listen to all my loved ones and walk away from the love of my life? sighs
cow tipping is the best way to tenderize your steak!
I’m having pizza for dinner again.
Motherfuckin spineless ass… Idk which is worse. The fact that he’ll look at me naked and go into the bathroom to watch porn and jack off or the fact that he’ll leave the volume up by mistake, turn it down After I’ve already heard something, then Fuckin LIE til he’s blue in the face about it. Like, which is worse? Someone who makes you feel unattractive or someone who Wont tell the truth?
i hate periods. but this is the last reason why im mad. first i HATE WAITING AND THIS GUY IS TAKING YEARS TO ANSWER A FUCKING QUESTION ITS NOT EVEN HARD JUST DONT TAKE YOUR TIME AND PUT YOURSELF IN SOMEONE ELSES SHOES YOU FUCKING. also i always crush on the wrong ppl :’) rn there are no right ones i love life
Who sent a letter bitching about a couple who were getting married and asked for everyone to bring a dish….I feel bad, but cannot admit it.
Ok I respect your choice to reject modern society. I respect your choice to try to live without money.i respect your belief in God! You had a good run working for the right to pitch your caravan on private land. You ate well from supermarket waste! But now because you don’t have access to the land or the waste your fucked! The 2 old people you have imposed yourself on are too nice to tell you the strain you are causing. But now my life is being affected by you, I’m not going to say nothing! In
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I have three aunts who married Americans, and make the effort to try and be westernized, only to still be involved in a moment where they talk shit, and later just act like nothing’s wrong. Don’t know if they’re just too damn retarded to realize the shit coming out of their mouth or what. Their reasons were also always so irrelevant and stupid.
I said no to them insisting I get a refill on a drink, despite being full, only two have two aunts start bitching to each other about how I didn’t
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My daughter, you’ve been gone almost a week now. I know you’re 18. I know you want to explore. But you said we were best friends and you didn’t want to leave. That’s what you always said .. until you turned 18 and suddenly you said you’d been lying, that you’ve BEEN wanting to leave. How was I supposed to prepare myself? The house is so empty.
I don’t want you to know how much I’m crying. And I want you to be happy. I just didn’t want it at the expense of our relationship.
Now I look at all
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She managed to CRACK my Otterbox. Then she cracked the protective, glass screen. Then, while I’m trying to help my disabled husband to the car, I dropped my S5 phone. CRACKED. After all that time, finally eligible for a trade-in, but freaking NOPE! What was I thinking?! I can’t get something else nice! SHE gets all the favors!!!
So, today she texts, all excited Her boyfriend is buying her a freaking S7 phone. (After all, she doesn’t even have to work!) Was so excited she didn’t know what to
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Students at my school are so shallow minded. They automatically assume that when somebody doesn’t talk often, they have speech issues. If a person is reading, he/she gets labeled as a nerd. When a person is alone, they are considered retards. I know I’m being hypocritical, but it’s just so infuriating to have to listen to these immature kids make such narrow-minded assumptions such as these!
Having read the shit on here, i reckon the world is full of fucked up people, and I am pleased to announce I no longer feel like one. Thank you for making me realise there are some right loonies out there, and I don’t even remotely resemble you…..enjoy your web page, if you haven’t topped yourself already.
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