Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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He told me his wife stopped having sex with him a year or so after their last child was born. That child was in their 20’s when I met him.
Educator. Away most of the summer. Then job demands, and demands by wife make time with him limited.
We tried swapping. I could not handle. I am too jelous. But he wants to play with them again. I think he just wants to play with her.
I am going to leave him. Soon.
My dad is a fucking cunt and i hate him to the moon and back. He is abusive aand I hate when he is at home.
I’m really sick and tired of life right now. I don’t see any point in living in this damned society where expectations on a child is as heavy as it is now. I wish I could’ve been born in the 1950s, where the american dream was to have the wife stay at home and the husband out working. I know, as a girl, it’s selfish of me because I would be sheltered away from the harshness derived from society, but that was what the tradition was right? Now, because I was born in a relatively affluent family,
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Every time some girl speaks to my boyfriend I want to rip her face off but I just play it off to him like I’m fine and just tired and that’s why I’m annoyed.
Okay, so, growing up I never had many friends, and now, I am in high school, and I wanted to go to a boarding school where I didn’t know anyone so I could do a fresh start, but here I don’t have any friends and I am so insecure, I have low self-esteem, and I don’t have any close friends, and I never have, and I am not close with anyone, but that is making me more worried, because I want to get close with someone, but I don’t know how since I have never done it before, and people have tried to
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GLC is the craziest doctor ever. she has no idea what’s going on with her patients. and she orders ppl around like they are her slaves. doctors are supposed to be caring. is she caring for her pts? i think not!
My friends think I’m strong, but in reality, I’m really not.
omg i hate my mom she is aways making me do shit i don’t want to do and she is always fucking putting me down. and on top of all the shit at home i think my boyfriend is cheating on me he now a days rarely returns my texts and he is talking to this girl from his school. i mean she already has a bf but still they have pretty deep convos like honestly. wtf my life fucking sucks.
UGh i can’t take it my school was having a play i got a small part I Was ok but then I went and then I saw None of them were even trying and It got worse because my part wasn’t for a while I left a hour and fourty five mins ago and DID NOTHING I’m Like DO THE SMALL PARTS FRIST it fricking annoying as fuck!
I regret buying this house. Both neighbors on either side of me have barking dogs. The crapo neighbor directly across the street from me is a Mexican family that has to party every fucking weekend. From their garage. Their cheapo Wal-Mart speakers blast mariachi music while their giant bbq smoker sits in their driveway belching out smoke. They line up chairs facing the street and sit there…..why???? It’s not a busy street at all, there’s nothing to look at but the darkened houses across the
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So my bday is jan 2nd. And i bought my boyfriend a christmas gift and he didnt get me one which i really dont care about anyway cause i genuinely dont care about getting gifts. But he felt so bad about not getting me one and promised to get me one for my bday. I knew he tried to get my friend to figure out what i want cause hes not good at being sneaky. I decided to just drop some hints about what i want like “ohhh i just lost my favorite earrings”, “oh i need some new earrings since i just got
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What is this site? Shit, that’s what. Go die, site. Fuck you.
The Winter Solstice is on December 22, three days before Christmas, fucking dumbass atheist. Stop trying to ruin our holiday with your hateful shit and go shut the fuck up. Nobody gives any actual fuck about your retardness. FUCK.
so me and this guy were, you know, we were talking, we were a thing. we confessed our feelings for each other. but the previous night we were asked something that we regret, said mine was sending a nude, he asked if would send one ever again, i said only if me and the guy are a thing, and if i can trust him. the next night we talked on the phone for 4 hours and i fell for it, he asked me out and right after began asking me questions, like do i touch myself, would i let him finger me at the
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So my brother takes my phone charger and gives it to my mum , i ask for it back and my mums using it , my mum say give me your phone ill charge it . im half way though telling my crush i fancy her. my dad screams at me telling me to take my phone down stairs and what im hiding, i quickly delete the message the thing is my crush , is a girl and i dont want my parents to find out im bi now my dad thinks im hiding sommit and hes looking though my phone . what if he sees my messages like when my
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