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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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I am secretly gay 2330

None of my friends know it but I’m secretly gay.
While they are talking on ventrilo I shove pens up my butt and masturbate to their voices. I hope they don’t find out because they think I’m really cool!

Stolen friend 1222

I used to be rly close to this girl, but this year we kinda grew apart. Anyways, I also started talk to this guy this year and we became pretty close (only in a friend kinda way). We talked A LOT and we were just great friends. Recently, that girl has started talking to the guy more and more. And now it’s like she just stole him all together since her barely barely even talks to me anymore. She’s always talking about how she’s talks to him, and the funny things he says, and somehow always …view more

The robots we are expected to be in todays society 38

I’m really sick and tired of life right now. I don’t see any point in living in this damned society where expectations on a child is as heavy as it is now. I wish I could’ve been born in the 1950s, where the american dream was to have the wife stay at home and the husband out working. I know, as a girl, it’s selfish of me because I would be sheltered away from the harshness derived from society, but that was what the tradition was right? Now, because I was born in a relatively affluent family, …view more

reality, the movie 210

biological effects of insanity, other people me thinks.

ummmmm the association with intensity and direction and infection, freaks me out. ummmm my purception is phycosamatic but it makes zero difference in the reality of the issues.even freakier infection has always been an issue for me. really creepy. the mass on my right neck is ummm seriously …..wierd and ummmm from my purception those who feel the need to chew on my neck idk. i get the purception but personally got better fish to fry. …view more

Abandoned 38

My dad left me and my mother when I was five, well more like me and my mom left him, for his brother. AKA my uncle on my dads side. My mom and my uncle had a child who is my brother/ cousin right? Just to clarify this was my dads brother. NOT MY MOMS BROTHER! But anyways, my brother is a brat who gets whatever he wants, and he live with both of his parents, and I live with one(my mom) she gave him the perfect life ( protects him from everything she didn’t even bother to hide from me, she even …view more

wife and babies 57

if my wife could stop talking about haviung another baby for even a minute, I would be shocked. That is the last thing I want, and I have told her so. She doesnt care. She NEEDS another baby. We have 2 already. I cant do it. My existing kids are a nightmare as it is.

I am being serious when I say that ALL she talks about is babies. Im done.

fuck you mom 412

omg i hate my mom she is aways making me do shit i don’t want to do and she is always fucking putting me down. and on top of all the shit at home i think my boyfriend is cheating on me he now a days rarely returns my texts and he is talking to this girl from his school. i mean she already has a bf but still they have pretty deep convos like honestly. wtf my life fucking sucks.

Underdog 38

I’m constantly surrounded by my gorgeous blonde hair blue eyed friends and then there’s me with dark hair and dark eyes and awkwardly tall and everybody overlooks me and I’m constantly put in the shadow of all my friends even today my crush started flirting with both of my friends and I just wish I was more noticed and not just the ugly friend it bothers me to the point where I look in the mirror and want to break it so I don’t have to see myself. Maybe I’m just super insecure but I needed to …view more

Nation 58

I really hate that anyone who is not a true Native American acts like they should have a say with how things go in this country, Fuck you go back across the sea!!!!

I hope you get hit by a bus. 08

You make me want to commit very strong acts of violence. I hate you. I want you to just eat shit and die already. Fuck you fucking fuck…

I hate you, you stupid pathetic dickhead…Piss off. 1624

I’m really pissed off at you Morgan. Before you were gay you were an awesome friend, now because your “gay” your an absolute,total and utter pathetic dickhead. All you talk about is sex,cock and random shit that mature people (like myself) don’t give a flying FUCK about and how fucking DARE you hate straight people. You were straight yourself, so what gives you the bloody right to hate us? Just becuase your “gay” dosn’t give you the excuse to verbaly abuse other people, due to your sexuality or …view more

Will someone please pull this knife out of my foot? 2021

Ok someone please explain this to me? Two days ago I walk into my math class happy and healthy and after sitting there for four hours….SITTING there….I get up to leave and suddenly the ball of my foot is in INCREDIBLE pain. Every step is agony. What the fuck happened??!!? As I sit here two days later it hurts even worse, and no amount of ibruprofen or hot foot soaks has done a damn bit of good. I just don’t understand how I could have hurt my foot so bad sitting on my ass for a few hours….

Abnormal Daydreams 2331

I’m 17yo, female, pretty smart (IQ in the above average range), socially awkward, totally oblivious sometimes as to if someone is mocking me or actually being nice, and irritable, but non-violent.

Anyways, when I am bored, I daydream about how I might kill some random person (no one in particular, just a hypothetical person). I take into account factors such as victim specs (skills, habits, body type, relationships, reputation, hobbies, etc), location (distance from various geographic …view more

Wanting a second baby 610

My boyfriend and I decided that we were going to have a second baby a few days ago. Previously we decided we were going to start trying in May, but I lost my medical card to pay for my b/c shots, and we hadn’t had sex in like a week because I told him I didn’t want to accidentally get pregnant like the first time, I actually wanted to try this time. So anyway, a couple of nights ago he said he was just going to go ahead and get me pregnant now and we tried that night. Yesterday, out of the blue …view more

I Hate Myself Sometimes. 48

I’m a teenage girl and I’m so damn lazy. I don’t know why. I never get anything accomplished either. I love rock music so much, and I dream about becoming a rock star and being famous, but I’m too lazy to pick up a guitar. I have one and I do a few scales and then stop, because I get lazy and bored. I’m too lazy to even listen to music sometimes too. My friends will tell me a band to listen to, but I’m too lazy to even go to youtube and watch one of their music videos. All I ever want to do is …view more

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