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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Wish i could get over it 49

Had the worst breakup of my life a few weeks ago. Not because we said mean/harsh things to each other, it was actually pretty calm when he broke up with me and wasn’t offensive but him leaving me really is breaking my heart. He thought that we’re too far from each other but to me he was totally worth it but i guess he needed more. I see him in everything everywhere i go. I miss him so much and i just always have this hole in my heart and empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. I keep telling …view more

annoying 49


piss off all 2 faced friends ! 49

I hate people who are users, self absorbed, passive aggressive and all around losers. They deserve to rot in hell with all their loser cronies. Kiss my ass former friend! Stay out of my life!

My app is a flop 413

I thought I would sell maybe 1000 copies or so. Sounds logical considering there’s millions of iOS users out there.

I only sold 3. lol !!!!!!!!!!

So much time wasted sending targeted email to request for app review, tweets, reddit posts, forum posts etc.

Guys suck..and so do girls. 49

I am starting to really hate guys and feeling really ignored by the guys that I thought cared about me. Especially this one guy who I had feelings for and I confessed to. we literally talked everyday for about five or six months, and even after i confessed, he talked to me and we were friends, not awkward, just good friends. But after a week or two of talking normally, he just completely shut me out and stopped taking to and completely just ignores my snapchats, messages, everything. So at this …view more

Just getting some weight off off my shoulders 48

I wish I was the guy I was supposed to be. My friends and family ignore that I prefer being male, and ignore it a bit. But it’s obvious. Still, I love my friends. I feel in place among them. though, I’m nobody’s favorite. I always say something stupid, or I mess up, or I forget to give someone special the attention they deserve.. At school I don’t really have friends either. I have one girl that I chitchat with, but she gossips behind my back and I know that. I have no anxiety, or scars, …view more

Run Tell This 49

So you are the Taylor Swift of book writing now? Except you will never be famous & your shit debuts in the $1 bin. Go ahead & rake in some sympathy with your bullshit sob story. How about you fucking talk to him instead of writing some passive aggressive story? Glorified blog. Whatever the fuck you wanna call it. Everyone will be happy when you embrace your cat-lady future & quit bitching. Except for that one bitch with no life who is just waiting on you to turn her loose on your drama because …view more

Why? 410

It’s strikes me odd that, hundreds of people are injured and killed on a daily basis by alcohol related incidents, yet no one is calling for a ban on it? Why not ban high capacity beer carriers , and limit the capacity to 6 or less-who would NEED 24 beers at one time? Maybe we also need a background checks on alcohol purchases since there are many repeat offenders, and we could block folks with a DD conviction from buying alcohol? We could also require alcohol consumers to verify proper storage …view more

SS i wish the worse for you 49

SS I wish nothing but the worse for you. I will wish the worse for you till the day I die. You brought nothing buy misery in my life. And I dont care if karma gets me. But just as long it happens to you first.

college 49

college makes me want to put a bullet in my skull. paying thousands of dollars for a cheap ass education that i’ll forget anyway. useless knowledge that has no real life application. no wonder the world sucks. universities are farms for barely literate monkeys. monkeys that will one day run businesses, schools, and governments because they drank their way to a useless piece of paper. is it worth it? no. does society demand it? yes. will i make it? time will tell.

sewwww if it follows me home do i get to keep it…canicanicaniplsplsplsplsplsplspsls 49

opp to young have to throw that one back. baaaaahhhhaaaaaaa. and really ive spent my 10 minutes hiding in a bush already this week sooooo meh. seriously it has got to take a pair of ballz to dew that. and with the troll door open …lucki ya still got them.

power 49

ambition. direction. i was trying to address my interests regarding it some years back when something came along and bopped me in the head. shrug never did get back to it. i thinkin i was comin to the conclusion i admire it in others. cant say that i chase it myself. not in wildest dreams in fact. idk i think my power comes from writing and my interests and hopes to change the fucking world. idk. i had little hope of changing the world realllll early on. stuff bigger than anything anybody could …view more

Never gonna happen 411

I wish before I die I knew what it was like to love and be loved by someone. I always wanted someone who was kind and giving.

it aint sarah 49

orrr go wack off someplace else huimmmmmmm

nagnagnag. yes i know gambling is taking a toll but idk is it any worse than any other addition. shrug. anddd really the cc company asked me to cut it the fuck out andddd i shall endevor to . really road to distruction. sighhhhh. everything fun is sometimes. ummm in reality there arent many places a single woman can go anddd it’s the only place most men will take their mates.

and really i aint rate a show but the cornel was halarious. some people r …view more

gezzzzzzz 49

really if u get a free ride in this world always best to apprieate it. sighhhhh. wtf i decided to take a break from yard and go exploring. LMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAO. serious i cant even read a calendar. gezzzzz and hair appears to bee the show. lmao. certainly i would like mine back buttt ya work with whatcha got. sighhhhhhh

and no freakin trains and i give up. orrr i take a walk :D. baaahhhaaaaaa really i need a keeper. ummmm most of what happens here there and everywhere is background noise to my …view more

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