Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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What the f@&$ is wrong with my family? I do whatever my mother tells me to do and she yells at me for DOING EXACTLY WHAT SHE TOLD ME TO DO! All day long have to go out and slave and work and she treats the money I earn as her own. Every time I want to say something even if it’s something like, “What’s the weather?” she tells me to shut up. Her insane excuse is that the neighbors can hear us talking. Well you know what? F:&& them. I guess this is what it’s like being a child that both my parents
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there will bee a brief 10 minute or so rant and then i am going to get on with taking a nap
are u fucking kidding me. what the fuck good did that do to tell somebody there childhood had a few freaks and wierdo’s aint anything new or uncommon and seriously WE ALL GROW UP DEAL WITH OUR CRAP AND GET THE FUCK OVER IT AND GET THE FUCK ON WITH LIVING. endlessly dealing with a past that wasnt purfect and is IRELEVANT TO THE PRSENT is a waste of time effort and really ANYBODY hurt auntie and uncle and
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This is an extremely petty reason to be sad: I had been avoiding this update forever. The last big Instagram update I remember trying to stay away from is the one where you could add people to photos. One day, my friend was playing on my iPod and when I got it back I went to instagram where she had uploaded a picture and I saw that it had been updated. I was so upset. I didn’t talk to anyone for the rest of the day. Because I unsuccessfully tried to get the old version back by downloading all
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backstory: Rachel and I were friends from 2nd grade up until last year. We were really close. During middle school, there was a boy named Rylie that had an annoying crush on me. I’m the type of person that will be a complete and total bitch if our feelings are not the same. If you like me more than I like you, that’s a problem, and I will be a bitch to you so you will hate me and stop crushing on me. It’s just who I am. Anyways, that’s exactly what I did to Rylie. I was a complete bitch to him.
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Walking to pick my wife up from work…I blew out my knee crossing a street, slid on the ice and now can barely walk. I had to limp and drag my foot leg back home. I’m playing it off that I fell asleep and wearing track pants right now. I’m in Canada on a visitor visa and have no insurance nor do I have a car to go back to America. The discoloration indicates I might need surgery. But my wife is 8 months pregnant and I can’t leave her. Let’s hope it sort of heals tomorrow. Her happiness, needs,
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Today one of my “friends” was complaining how her life was boring. How every morning she got up at the same time, walked to school and did the same thing everyday. How her friends did nothing interesting and how she never looks forward to something. I wanted to tell her but I couldn’t find myself too, “I would rather have a boring life. I would rather not dread when ever the phone rings or whenever my mom gets a text from her brothers. I’m scared that one day my oldest uncle is going to finally
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I despise men’s clothes especially pants and T-shirts. There are some male short- Short pants for running/jogging of course. But they are not my stuff because they expose hideous leg muscles and hairs. I think no country but Myanmar sells skirts for men ;/ Sadly men must wear very long pants or short pants with very awkward length because of their bulged “limbs”, hideous leg muscles and hairs. And that bulged “limbs” make exposure of every underwear very hideous. In other words being a dude
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years of internalized stress abuse and uncaring bubble out. saddly i have no one to really share with. telling people usually frees u from what haunts u. buttt really most of this shit is old news and everybody knows. :(. just part of process of moving on i gues. hope it’s over soon.
If I’d had only one word of encouragement from you, I might have become a photographer. Instead you said it was stupid, and I believed you and now my camera gathers dust rather than images. One word of support from you and I might be published right now, instead I question every word and wonder if it’s good enough. I wonder if I’m good enough. Obviously I have nothing worth saying, or you wouldn’t talk over me or dismiss everything I say. Every time you say, “I don’t care,” it chips away a
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It’s always circle jerk time for Chucah the Clown! It loves to sit around in the past, crying over how jealous it is that it hasn’t ever done anything interesting or original in it’s life, weeping for it’s own irrelevance. Just a man child and his puppet, jerking each other’s wieners because it’s too sad to talk to a human. Pot portly Chucah. One day you might become human, but first you must open your eyes and allow yourself up feel in the moment.
Had the worst breakup of my life a few weeks ago. Not because we said mean/harsh things to each other, it was actually pretty calm when he broke up with me and wasn’t offensive but him leaving me really is breaking my heart. He thought that we’re too far from each other but to me he was totally worth it but i guess he needed more. I see him in everything everywhere i go. I miss him so much and i just always have this hole in my heart and empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. I keep telling
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I hate people who are users, self absorbed, passive aggressive and all around losers. They deserve to rot in hell with all their loser cronies. Kiss my ass former friend! Stay out of my life!
I thought I would sell maybe 1000 copies or so. Sounds logical considering there’s millions of iOS users out there.
I only sold 3. lol !!!!!!!!!!
So much time wasted sending targeted email to request for app review, tweets, reddit posts, forum posts etc.
I am starting to really hate guys and feeling really ignored by the guys that I thought cared about me. Especially this one guy who I had feelings for and I confessed to. we literally talked everyday for about five or six months, and even after i confessed, he talked to me and we were friends, not awkward, just good friends. But after a week or two of talking normally, he just completely shut me out and stopped taking to and completely just ignores my snapchats, messages, everything. So at this
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