Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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yessss i dew mind …very much. i have no idea why peeps always have to take it tooooo far. really i am the nicest person i know and peeps like to walk on me. aint nothing new, maybee i am just old and tired. that and seriously if your mate is lettin ya foot the bill for the living accommodations sooo he can spend his however. u need a new man. just sayin.
it’s kinda sorta bad i am at a place in my world if i have explain what toooo much in my frame of reference is. easier to get new people.
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seriously ummmm i have waited years for another story line.
ask questions….. not fucking likely. i might get the answer and then i have to go to all the work of figuring out what the fuck …that’s… all about and in reality it’s nothing.
ahhhh esso. idk i would like to think not or possible. some people just cant take it. really ya need ballz of steel. idk i dew my best to protect and let those round me follow their own paths. it did occure to me today not to say wtf to trolls holding hammers.
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i didnt see anybody elbow deep in their noses soooo. lololol. really even the homeless peeps werent lookin for potencial trouble.
ahhhh seriously i was nervous in ways. yes shove me in a tube of electric and lets see what happens. gezzzzz. i see the big cheese hitting the road and it makes it easier. lots of smiles and science and just the facts. really i think i passed the test, i am old yup. lolol
mostly i am going to relax this weekend if i have to kill somebody to dew it. everything is
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my situation and circumstance and travels just made the subject or sex and porn one i cant address. ummm part of my past and ummmm i think manipulated to that end soooo i gotta figure for a reason. but in terms of big pic and role modle and the purceptions of those that travel the paths i have. makes me sick. we werent meant to know all see all and do all. and that’s a fact jack. my base my life is about 2 consentings anddd really all of that stuff has potencial good. and pretty sure EXTREMELY
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yesss i am sure it’s just for me. lololol. ummm biologically speaking we NEED a certain amt, without it we get a little wacked. if u r already there it’s an issue.
no big deal, recover in a day. seriously why dew do peeps want to convince others of their beliefs when others dont give a rats ass. believe what u want and live your life accordingly. easy peasy
certainly my reality is shaken to it’s core and really i got stuff to dew. my yard for instince thx for the background tracks but really
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and fussing and fighting about. i suppose in the world of psycology it serves a purpose but i’ve always found hissy fits a waste of time and energy. not that i cant rip off the heads of those who go too far but generally the wrong person for the wrong reason.
i’ve always found words and writing the best way to address an issue. certainly it puts me in conflict with our new reality. twisted perceptions and all manor of crazy but i still believe that idk it’s seems to bee up to the reader to
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she gives me the feeling of being made to look ignorant or by default a careless person. After that she gives you no option to defend or get away from a situation. She would later validate her claims over small minute instances where a glimpse of ignorance or carelessness is shown and she would reprimand you for possessing such a flaw so great that it is inexcusable.
if the defensive stance is taken, she will look appalled at the reaction and sees no part in hers to have contributed to my
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I would rather have gay parents than divorced ones who hate each other. “This marriage has been dead for 10 years,” You said. That’s the reason I caught you crying in the middle of the night, right? “Your father was never there for me,” Really? Then why stay with him for 25 years? “Your father wants to get married again,” Why are you telling me this? I don’t like the idea, so now you’re going to force it down my throat? You’re such a great mother. “Your father never gave me my share,” Now
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I feel so alone right now. Used to have a close friend once , whom now is closer to another friend in our clique . She never cares about me nowadays . Even if i go missing without contacting her at all for days , she will never msg or call me to ask if I’m alright. And in our clique’s whatsapp group whenever all chats , she always calls her ‘new’ close friend to join in the convo but not me. I feel so useless . I feel like nobody cares about me . One reason for her to get close to another girl
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Since leaving an abusive relationship less than three months ago there have been a great many invasive questions, the most popularly asked being inquires about me not leaving. Usually when faced with this question, that has sincerely become the bane of my existence, I respond dismissively by saying that I don’t know because I would prefer to take a U-turn the Hell out of the direction the conversation has gone in. I think that I’m not alone in this and others have made similar statements when
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its not polite to point. gezzzzzz and some people r to sick to bee here…agreed. lmao had a fabulous night. could not of asked for more except maybee pain killers. this getting old aint for the weak. gezzz everything hurts andd loved every minute. really how often dew u lay in a parking lot flat on your back watching movies. in a crowd. baaahhhaaa we love that we idk goofy odd and those that arent we laugh at them as pretend not to know us baaahhhhhhaaaaaa .
andd end of marage. funnest joke
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hard sell causes a fucked up mess. mostly as always i point out it should bee somewhere in the middle and relevant to protection. learning accepting what is. still aint going to make it right but it aint going away.
no trouble…..seriously i leave chewed up messes in my wake.
My ex wife is a lesbian. Her lover is the nastiest bull dyke you would ever want to meet. It all makes sense now. She’s also an abortion baby killer.
mostly just in pain today. arg. the last act of my journey could potencially bee called waiting for the pain meds to kick in blues. shrug. we r all gettin old.
i think in my heart i will always bee looking for a partner. i just dont expect to find one. it’s just part of my base. circumstance time o life and my present path make sex a moot point for moi. maybe ask somebody who knows. shrug for me a big question, i believe in monogamy in a world where there is no such thing. least for me. and i
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Its “babysitting” NOT “school” for your 3 year old that you send away for four days a week. Annoying that you have to justify it like that.
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